
Going saturday weather permitting…may fish Edisto banks and possibly south of there…anyone else leaving out of Edisto and would like to team up and cover more area let me know…John

If it drives,floats ,or #$%@s …rent it!!!

We are looking for the same thing only Sunday instead of Saturday. I think the wave looks better for Sunday right now. I’m having trouble finding a crew. I have all these friends that want to go fishing until it is time to go and then the wives get in the way. I either need new friends or they need new wives!!!:smiley:

I have the same problem all my friends are either going away for this weekend or wives wont let them fish . My wife wants me to go fishing this weekend and I cant find anybody to go with me.

Why don’t the two of you go together?

If it drives,floats ,or #$%@s …rent it!!!