Saw a dog fall out of the back of a truck

I’ve always feared of seeing something like this, while on Johns Island, I was meeting a truck and just before we passed, he dog fell/jumped out the back of the pickup. It hit and barrel rolled probably 100 feet.

As I watched in my side view mirror, the dog finally stopped rolling and stood up in the lane of traffic. The car behind the truck stopped and the driver of the pick up was in the process of pulling over.

I could not tell how badly the dog was injured if at all, but you have to imaging a dog hitting the pavement at 45mph+, there had to be some injury.

I’ve never understood people that put their dogs in the back of the truck…how could you not foresee that kind of thing happening.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 19 year old (boy of leisure)
1 - 1 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


I’ve seen that too. Awful. My dog sits in the front seat with me.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by claim

I’ve always feared of seeing something like this, while on Johns Island, I was meeting a truck and just before we passed, he dog fell/jumped out the back of the pickup. It hit and barrel rolled probably 100 feet.

As I watched in my side view mirror, the dog finally stopped rolling and stood up in the lane of traffic. The car behind the truck stopped and the driver of the pick up was in the process of pulling over.

I could not tell how badly the dog was injured if at all, but you have to imaging a dog hitting the pavement at 45mph+, there had to be some injury.

I’ve never understood people that put their dogs in the back of the truck…how could you not foresee that kind of thing happening.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 19 year old (boy of leisure)
1 - 1 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Still see people in the back as well.

We used to ride in the back of my Granddad’s truck all the time. One time heading back to Beaufort from Fripp, we had 2 bushels of crabs in the back along with me, my brother and 2 cousins. We hit a big bump and one bushel tipped over. You should have heard the squealing and screaming as we tried to save our toes. Nowadays, he’d probably be arrested for child endangerment.

Dogs should either ride up front or have a short lead keeping them in the bed.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I’ve seen that too. Awful. My dog sits in the front seat with me.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Mine too, with the A/C on high.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 19 year old (boy of leisure)
1 - 1 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Mine is insulted if he doesn’t get to ride in front
with the a/c going.
Wife get mad to having to ride in the back seat,
but she get over it.

ask your vet about the number and type of dog-riding-in-truck-bed injuries he sees.

Couple of weeks back b-tween Columbia and charlotte large plastic
kennel /carrier in pcs in median , large shepard looking dog along
side of it didn’t make it either, don’t know how or if owner even knew
of loss , heart breaking to see!!!:frowning_face::frowning_face::frowning_face:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Only time i’ve ever had my dogs in the back of the truck is when I’m in the back bringing them home and they are socking wet or covered in mud. The whole time is less them 5mph on my property.

I’ve seen a couple of people run a very short leash tied to the center of a tool box so dog cant jump out and even then I disagree. Too many ignorant drivers out there, one panic stop or swerve and the dog is toast.

Mine also get the a/c upfront treatment.

My dogs were sure the truck was THIERS, they only let me use it.:smiley:I had a cover on my 1st truck and my Dad built a beautiful red oak storage box for it.It sat up by the back window, when Soph and I would go on road trips, she would ride in the front with me till the 1st stop then get back on her bed and snooze the rest of the way.Boy;I loved that dog and truck. I would never consider putting something I loved loose in the back.Some folks just should not own animals, makes me wonder how they would treat children.

My Labs love to go for a ride in back of the truck, but only get to do it when I am taking them for a spin around the neighborhood or at the hunting club. Once we hit the highway, they are inside the cab with me. I always get nervous seeing dogs in the back of trucks flying down the highway.

Your right guys! I would rather I got hurt, than something I did, that got my dog hurt! Had a dog that would sit in the back seat of my pick-up like a regular person. Got pulled over for speeding once and the cop had to talk to me through a crack in the window. I apologized for the dog trying to get at him! Cop told me, the dog was just doing his job! Still cost me $107.00.

My dog is the only reason I needed a truck with a back seat. Got one of those slings, and if it’s going to be a long ride her dog bed is back there too and she just sacks out. Short ride and she sometimes just rides on top of the girlfriend in the front seat. She’s a Beagle so under 30 pounds. Rough life.

Your right guys! I would rather I got hurt, than something I did, that got my dog hurt!

Me and you both!

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Seen that happen with 2 black labs, very sad. Cant believe people arent smart enough to put dogs in the cab or at least use a leash.