SC Constitutional Right to Hunt & Fish

South Carolina Voters to Decide in November on Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish

South Carolina is blessed with one of the most envied sporting heritages in the entire country. From Colonial days to the present, sportsmen and anglers have been drawn to the variety and abundance of natural resources and the deep appreciation for those resources that have become part of the fabric of South Carolina’s story. In November, when voters go to the voter’s booth for mid-term elections, they are going to have the opportunity to perpetuate that heritage by voting to make the right to hunt and fish a permanent part of the South Carolina Constitution.

The initiative was put before the SC General Assembly during 2009’s legislative session by the SC Sportsman’s Caucus, one of 38 state legislative sportsmen’s caucuses (over 1,200 state legislators) united under the National Assembly of Sportsman’s Caucuses umbrella (NASC). “Ironically, as engrained as South Carolina’s sporting heritage is in our state identity, South Carolinians access to those resources is currently a simple privilege” said Rep. Mike Pitts of Laurens, Chairman of the National Assembly of Sportsman Caucus (NASC). “Having this become part of the state constitution would go a long way in insuring that access and cherished heritage will continue”. The driving principle of the SC Sportsmen’s Caucus is to address issues relating to hunting and fishing in South Carolina. Comprised solely of state legislators, the SC Sportsman’s Caucus is one of only five caucuses recognized by the state.

As a liaison to the legislative caucus members, the SC Sportsmen’s Caucus Foundation was established by leaders in the sporting community to facilitate the interaction and exchange of ideas among state caucus members and the sporting community. Scott Whitaker, CCA SC’s Executive Director, is a founding member of the SC Sportsmen’s Caucus Foundation and serves as a board member and State Officer. “With the embracing of the State Sportsmen’s Caucus by the General

Got my vote.

Good info there. I espicially like the wording “to provide that the citizens of South Carolina shall have the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife traditionally pursued, subject to laws and regulations promoting sound wildlife conservation and management as prescribed by the General Assembly”

That’s what we’re all after anyway, is the SOUND management of our wildlife, we do’t want to kill and eat all of em, then what would we do?? We have the most to lose if something we target goes extinct.
Imagine all the bickering on here if we could only fish one month of the year!!

Russ B.
God is great, Beer is good, People are crazy

Thanks for posting Scott.

We’ll be checking YES!

Together, we safeguard anglers, jobs and our fisheries: