Rumor has it, that DNR is going to ban all commercial and recreational crabbing for the foreseeable future! This ban will be in place until a study is completed by the state and EPA! The ban is in response to a finding by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science! The Following link provides details, that triggered this! I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but this chit has gone way to far! Next thing you know it will be inshore fish! You’ll have to do a DNA test, along with all the other BS you have to do now to keep and eat Seafood!

Have not heard anything about a ban. But I would like to see a restriction on out-of-state commercial licenses, and a moratorium on peeler season for a couple of years. When you take all the breeding females out of the equation it kills our crabbing. I find funny is when I talk to somebody from Maryland or Virginia and they brag about “thier Crabs” and then I inform them that we have been shipping Crabs by the tractor-trailer load for years because the Chesapeake is about fished out.


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

UP DATE; From a DNR insider! This is being driven by the Commercial Crabbers, in response to the sky high prices they receive selling to wholesalers in the NE. This ban will only be directed to recreational crabbers! Seems the commercial guys, don’t want the competition!

What a joke.

Follow the money everytime…

May all your favorite bands stay together…

Oh, man…good one.

This all started when sellsfish pissed off that land Barron on Daniels island by taking all his crabs. I knew this’d come home to roost

Ya’ll is gona be in big time trouble, when da man gets ya, fo havin dem Trans Sexual Crabs, in da bote! Proly git writ up, fo a Hate Crime![:0] Ya’ll can’t even make no She Crab Soup outin dem on mo! Gota call it, It Crab Soup:wink:

Recreational shrimping has had to deal with the commercial shrimpers wanting to limit or eliminate the recreational season.

The DNR and/or the legislature needs to realize that it is the peoples resources. Its not just for the commercial guys. Actually the sportsmen of this state should have first rights to any quota or restricted catch limits. The commercial guys are the ones taking the bulk of the catch which forces the laws that restrict the recreational guys catch. Its a balancing act trying to keep everyone happy but it usually ends up that nobody is happy.

Does someone want to say it for me:question:


First, Most, Biggest

Woot woot!

May all your favorite bands stay together…

Easy guthooked you 23. don’t woot woot us

Yep, follow the money:smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

Does someone want to say it for me:question:

You’re an idiot!!

And I’ve had years to develop it!:wink::smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

And I’ve had years to develop it!:wink::smiley:

LOL, my friend!

UT, after all, it is April 1,and no one was doing anything! The hardest part was trying to figure out what would sound real! When I found that article about the crabs, I was on my way!:smiley: If you build it, they will come:imp::wink:

I had put my boots on and was coming to kick your butt!

ok…now on a more serious subject…I have found I have developed a allery to dog hair and am looking for a good home for Roo…

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Penny, just have Donny change this add and post it! Should take care of your problem.

hahahaha…now you know I am joking…Roo would never leave this house!!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16