Any thoughts on the recent news on the nuclear plant scrapping? As a customer paying crazy rates for 7 years to pay for it, I hope we get a refund and rate decreases.

Doubtful though. I’ll probably move and find a property outside of their range if we get screwed on this deal.

We already got screwed and it will only get worse. And since Santee Cooper was in on it, even co-op customers will get screwed, so unless you move out of state, you’re going to pay for it.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

What about Duke?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Yeah, I guess upstate you may be alright.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Politicians, the Public Service Commission all taking care of each other and passing the burden on to the the chumps that pay for it. What a gigantic waste of money.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Haha, Duke is the worst! I am on REA and my neighbor is on Duke and his bill is nearly double mine for mite near the same useage!

And of course they are saying “We are saving customers billions of dollars by ceasing this project”…
Makes the 526 money look like a drop of piss in a bucket…
You do not want Duke Power…

They taxpayers ponied up $12.8 billion and the Navy spent it on a shiny new Aircraft Carrier with all the bells and whistles…
South Carolinians ponied up $9 billion and bought what???

^^^^ Im sure we financed a couple of new vacation houses and some new toys for the execs at SCANA

89 Yamaha 150

The state legislature and PSC gave Scana and santee a sweetheart deal. There was no way they could lose. They were allowed to raise rates before and during construction to cover the project and any cost overruns. Will the rate increases due to the project be rolled back?? We’ll see.

They’re going to pass the loss on to the customer for the next 60 years or so.

^^^ oh so true, unfortunately ^^^


Should have had Rodney teach them Economics…


One Simple Thanks!!

I saw a report online where SCANA had about 10% more customers than Duke, but they had twice the revenue.

So tell me again why I would want to stay away from Duke?

I’ve done the math several times. Duke charges about 40% less on electric rates than SCANA.

Hell, Mid Carolina buys their electric from Duke and they are still cheaper than SCANA just across the street from my neighborhood.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

if anyone is interested in the actual facts they are publicly available, but not being provided by the news media or politicians

if folks want to hear all the facts I’d be glad to provide them, but will be unavailable for 5-6 days

one way to do this would be for folks to post questions and I’ll answer every one of them if I have the info

Pioneer 197SF

Is SCANA going to reverse the rate hikes?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by Geronimo

Is SCANA going to reverse the rate hikes?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

simple answer is no but it’s much more complicated than that

the rate hikes were done under the state law called Base Load Review Act, what the BLRA says is that funds used for construction can be added to rates now rather than wait until construction is finished, this eliminates construction financing costs, on a project like this the construction interest savings would have been over $1 billion

each year SCE&G submitted the costs and rate increase calculations to the PSC and ORS, the costs were reviewed for accuracy (fully audited), the final number was calculated and approved, and added to rates, there is a construction schedule with projected expenses and rate increases called Exhibit G, it’s filed on the PSC web site for public view, the Exhibit was reviewed and approved by the PSC at the beginning of construction, the actual expenses and rate increase were below projections each year

each rate hike request was reviewed and ruled on by the PSC, the funds that were spent need to be recovered, the proposal that was given to the PSC on Wednesday is to recover the approximately $5 billion over a 60-year period, that minimizes the cost impact to customers, the PSC will have hearings and decide what to do

it’s not yet been determined how the Toshiba parental guarantee funds will be utilized, it’s a confusing number and I don’t have a full understanding of it yet, the base amount paid over the next 4-5 years is $2.2 billion (rounded off), but there are deductions from that amount, I’ve heard the amount that is estimated to be left over but can’t remember the exact figure, I think it’s in the range of $1.7 billion, the CEO said his intention was to use th

also keep the 5700 families that lost their jobs in your prayers.

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

Maybe the state legislature will bring up deregulation of the electric monopolies and allow us to purchase our electricity on the open market. They do it with natural gas. Why not electricity.