sce&g water heater coverage

is anyone using it?
$7 a month added to your power bill.
say it will repair or replace your water heater.

put your $7/month in a cookie jar and use it to buy a new one in 6 years. Like most insurance policies it probably only covers sudden and accidental issues. If it just starts to leak due to old age then i doubt it would cover it. Insurance policy for a $500 water heater is silly.

If you have any basic skills, you can easliy replace one unles sit is in the attic or something liek that. I have done a couple, dirt simple, gas or electric. Besides. I pay SCE&G enough as it is.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

DF, I’ll give you $50 to change mine. cash money. and expertly 10+ guidescouted inshore spots from circa 2003.

I’ll be right down. Leave the front porch light on.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Insurance on a water heater is crazy, lol.

Had one in the attic in Beaufort and noticed the bedroom wall was wet…****…I knew what that was from. The pan leaked, but perhaps that was a good thing before the tank leak got large enough to have a gusher!! No damage to the bedroom wall, just dried it out and repainted. Took the water heater down with the help from a friend and it now resides in the garage.

Got lucky, as that could have been MUCH worse!

I just don’t get those attic installs[:0].


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

I’m no financial guy but I do ask myself WWDRD? (what would dave ramsey do?).

From a financial standpoint, I cannot see this being a good deal unless you have a total piece of crap water heater that’s old as dirt.

$7 a month in 6 years is $500+ that you have loaned them interest free, with a possible risk that they will find some excuse to not make good on it.

I have to agree with the above, put the money in a cookie jar and sit on it :smiley:

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

if you want a turn key, easy solution and you have money to waste then it’s a good idea

another similar option is to wait for it to fail then call HD or Lowe’s and have them do it

I don’t buy warranties on anything, I save the money from all those warranties and use it to pay for the occasional failure, so far I’m a few $100 ahead

Pioneer 197SF

They wouldn’t offer the insurance if the odds were not in their favor to make money!

We keep getting all kinds of insurance plans…hot water heater, ac, water line from meter to house , sewage line…it’s a never ending thing.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Back in early 2000’s ( cant remember exact year ) SCE&G had a plan called " Service Care " for a few extra dollars each month to cover certain appliances including h2o heater. You guessed it, h2o heater started leaking , called Service Care and their contractor came out and gave me " their " price. Even tough i had paid them the extra for years there was going to still be a charge. Then their contractor gave me " His " price to come out after hours and change it out. I bought my own and did it myself…what a scam it was.

Sakatumi Trae

I get them all the time too. Just another scam for them to make a buck. I have to imagine that most people fall for it or they wouldn’t do it. Hot water heater goes out, I replace it, and I won’t even come close to having to use the Emergency Fund.


i did opt for the water line coverage for the pipe in my front yard. Check your homeowner’s policy, it may not cover service lines and sewage outsid eof the house. Watermain replacement in to the house is more than $500. It’s $5/month so if i live there for 10 yr i’m only out $600, and if anything ever happens it;s well worth the policy cost.

What would happen to your water main? Not knocking it or anything, just rying to figure what could happen. I have owned houses for 25 years and never had such a problem.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

i have a 1968 house and it’s an original pipe. i work in insurance and water pipes bursting are the most common claim. Normally it’s residential materials that brak and not the main, but i just feel it’s worth it for the money. I lived in columbia when they had the sink hole on Huger and Blossom due to the water main bursting and washing away the earth from underneath the road. Actually saw it a few hours after it happened.

I invested in a tankless propane fired water heater several years ago. I believe the brand name is something like Rinnai. Blueflame installed it and a 100 gallon tank that you have the option of renting or buying from them. No more water heater taking up floor space, no more worries about leaks or bursting. The tankless unit is about the size of a carry on suitcase, and it mounts on the wall. Of course with the propane I have the option of going to a gas cooktop and a gas log fireplace, but as of right now I’ve just used it for heating water and it is absolutely dependable. I got a significant tax break when I did it, but not sure if those subsidies are still in effect.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Try Summerville propane and you will not have to pay rent on the LP tank as long as you buy your gas from them. I was paying rent on a tank and more per gallon for LP through a different company before I found out about Summerville propane. They are good people.