Asking for a buddy of mine. 1998 Scout 172cc. He’s been getting fuel in the bilge lately. How hard of a job is it to pull up the console & get to the gas tank? Is there anything to check before he goes into it?
Thanks for any insight.
Asking for a buddy of mine. 1998 Scout 172cc. He’s been getting fuel in the bilge lately. How hard of a job is it to pull up the console & get to the gas tank? Is there anything to check before he goes into it?
Thanks for any insight.
Should be a hatch cover right over the sending unit, I would check there first,I had the same thing happen to a 1998 Seahunt a few years ago.
You can’t catch fish on a dry line
I had the same problem with a 1994 Scout 172 cc. My problem was on the 90 degree elbow that the vent line connects to. The way the tank was designed, the elbow made contact with the floor under the console. Over time the weld on the elbow failed where it was connected to the tank. When I filled up the tank the gas would come out of the top and enter the bilge. The worst part of the job was disconnecting all of the wiring and cables in order to remove the console. Once the console is removed, the rest is pretty easy.
fairly common problem, Ive done three or four of them. Took a fir amount of time. If hadn’t been for having a fork lift, I would have never gotten the fuel fill hose out of the foam
Pretty common problem. Sometimes you can pull the console forward, pull out the false floor, and then pull the tank out.
Tall Sail Marine
And sometimes it is a BIG job!
Thanks guys. I’m forwarding this info to my buddy as it comes in.
Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication
Exhaust all options before pulling the fuel tank.
I was getting fuel in my bilge on an old boat and it turned out to be the water separator. It had a pin hole in it.
Check all fuel line connections and fittings before getting into the fuel tank.
218WA Sailfish
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The "Penn"sion Plan