February 14, 2019, 1:33pm
I’m looking to get certified, any recommendations? I’ve spent my life in the water, swimming, surfing, free diving but have never been scuba certified. I know of Charleston Scuba and Charleston Dive Locker…just don’t have any experience with either.
I recommend Charleston Scuba. Mainly because as a professional diver I’ve been doing business with them for years. Tom, the owner, is a good dude.
I am a watermen to my core. If you are the same way - taking it to the next level by taking moving the game subsurface - is a life changer.
Good luck.
February 15, 2019, 8:06pm
I’ll second Charleston Scuba.
Got certified with them back in the mid 90’s. Tom Robinson is a good guy.
Some people don’t care for them because they don’t allow spearfishong on charters. That’s not a dealbreaker for me.
February 15, 2019, 8:38pm
I’ll second Charleston Scuba.
Got certified with them back in the mid 90’s. Tom Robinson is a good guy.
Some people don’t care for them because they don’t allow spearfishong on charters. That’s not a dealbreaker for me.