Getting ready to outfit a SP 21 bay boat and wondering what length/brand/thrust motor u guys are using.
Looking for spot anchor and wireless
Thanks in advance
I use an 80 pound thrust with a 60 inch shaft on mine and it works great
Sea Pro sv2100/ Yamaha 150
Not sure of the length, but I have the 101#thrust and absolutely love the power.
Give me a call if you are looking to buy or sell a house in the Charlaston area.
What type of water will you be fishing? I’d max it out with 112# of thrust and 72" in length. Just because you have it does not mean you have to use it. However, you can’t use what you don’t have.
“Temptation may lean on the doorbell… opportunity may only knock once”
Have the 80lb 54" Riptide w/Ipilot (24 volt)on my 2200 Bulls Bay. As for the 24 volt, had the X2 AGM31 series batteries installed and they never let me down.
Get an onboard charger, you will thank yourself. Got the MinnKota 220D.
Only time I have ever lowered it all the way down was nearshore reefs (no worries about grounding out on oysters)and it stayed hooked up.
Pro Tip; if you are on anchor lock at a nearshore reef, and hook into a fat cobia, get the trolling motor out of the water. It still hurts:face_with_head_bandage:!