Seadek installed

Looking to get some Seadek installed on my boat, anyone know of someone that installs in the Charleston area.

What kind of boat?

I’m asking because I’ve been looking into it too, and if you have a "popular or common’ boat there are likely precut pieces measured for your particular boat that are put out by several companies

Just a thought

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I have a 2023 Sportsman 227 Maters, it has some decking material but i would like to finish it out. Just can’t seem to find someone to answer a phone or return a message.

Check out these guys,

Thats the price for the entire boat on a 247 Masters, but you can go on that site and design your own colors, placement, patterns, etc…

You have to get the decks or wherever you are laying this stuff down really clean (so it will stick properly).

Its a good start anyway, the full price was over two grand, but thats custom cut for all the pieces. Probably a lot cheaper if you just get what you need.

another option

and one more,


My work here is done

Thanks for the info.