I’m selling a trailer (and boat) to a Florida resident. They have asked for a “MOS” or documentation to register and title the trailer. Has anyone been through this that can help me find what I need. The trailer is a Majic Tilt purchased here in Charleston.
I didn’t think FL titled trailers either? I say that because I bought my boat and trailer in FL, no tags or title to trailer. No problem while I lived in SC, but boy has it become a pain now that I’m in VA where trailers require titles and tags!
I gave up on trying to find any documentation on my trailer (builder went under years ago) and have paid one $35 ticket for no trailer tag in three years, so it’s a calculated risk at this point. But I’ll probably never be able to sell it anywhere that requires trailer titles.
If it’s relatively new I think you should be able to get a certificate of origin from manufacturer, which should allow the new owner to title the trailer if desired. If you bought it from a dealer I would start there.
Angler 204 FX
Yamaha 150
I believe the DMV has a form (400?) that will enable you to register a trailer. Not sure but if the trailer doesn’t have an ID #, they will assign one. Maybe that will help.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?
If you can still read the trailer VIN Magic Tilt might be able to supply duplicate paperwork, depending on how old the trailer is. Might be worth it to hold out for a local buyer.
Sea Hunt 207CC,Yam F150
Carolina Skiff (old school model)17’ Suz D50
I just sold a boat/trailer to an out of state resident whose state requires them to register it. I didn’t have a title for it. We did a bill of sale to transfer ownership of the trailer. That bill of sale is notarized and should be all they need to take it back to their state to register it. I didn’t hear anything back from him, so I assume he had no issues getting a title put in his name for it.
23 is right. It sounds like they want you to do all the work for them.
From a thread on THT, S.C. will issue a title and V.I.N. number for a trailer if it doesn’t have a number visible anymore. Trailers come with a decal Number and they don’t last very well. Don’t lie and try to say it’s home built, they will inspect it. It is no problem other than dealing with the D.M.V.
2005 Sea Hunt 212 Triton
“Head East”
When I moved from SC to PA I could not get a title for my trailer. They said I needed a certificate of Origin from the manufacturer. It was a shoreline trailer and they are out of business. I ended up buying a junk trailer for the title and called it a day.
Wellcraft V-20 sportfish with a 200 Evinrude