selling taxidermy?

Anyone have and good ideas besides CL and ebay to sell taxidermy? I have a bunch of random stuff bear skull, zebra skull, 400+lb pig full body mount, Impala and some other Africa mounts I was thinking parting ways with. Just not sure of the right avenue. thank you

have you tried listing them here on the Swap Shop forum?

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

I’d be interested in seeing what you have.

doesn’t help you but thought I would mention I visited Lee Levitz, from Levitz Furniture, at their house in Arizona about ten years ago. It was like a museum. Full size mounts of every type bear, cougars, zebras, tables made from elephant feet, probably another fifty exotic full mounts. Almost creepy sleeping there with cougars and bobcats and even a full tiger mount looking down on us.

I’m trying to avoid that exact scenario ( except I don’t hunt the big 5 or large cats)

fortunately a lot of it is as my fathers house and my wife is not so interested in all of it living with us so i’m trying to “thin the heard” a little over the next few years.

Sabalo 21 150 Yamaha

Key West Stealth 150 V-max (SOLD)

Any saquatches or narwhal horns? I might be a buyer.

Be careful selling the African mounts, if any of those animals are now endangered you could possibly be looking at jail time or heavy fines for selling them, even if they were killed 30 years ago.

Just a thought…