Selling timber

Hello all.
I am preparing to sell a tack of land to a timber company. I would like to get as much insight into the process and tricks as I can.
Not saying anything negative, just think it would be a good idea to not go into this blind. Any help on contract clauses, tracking, and so on would be a great help.


Make sure you have a good contract and everything is spelled out. Dad timbered some land in Bowman and the timber guy screwed the pooch. The are now in court going back and forth trying to get the guy to honor the contract.

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

The Clemson Extension service ( would be one of the best places to start. They will have staff trained in forestry and can help guide you on best-practices and important tax information.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

We recently called the US Forestry service to get an idea about selling some timber. They sent out a very knowledgeable forester agent and he was a wealth of information. The service was free and well worth more.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by ReelShock

Hello all.
I am preparing to sell a tack of land to a timber company. I would like to get as much insight into the process and tricks as I can.
Not saying anything negative, just think it would be a good idea to not go into this blind. Any help on contract clauses, tracking, and so on would be a great help.


what county?

There are some very good companies out there that have excellent cutters. Some folks get all nervous about timber slipping out unaccounted for, but hire a reputable company and eliminate that worry. A reputable company will also leave the site as pleasing to the eye as you can get for a timber cutting operation. They will also provide you with every haul ticket they pick up at the mill, when they drop timber.

Acreage makes up the biggest part ,a little tract around 20 acres is the smallest most of the good guys will even look at. They have to make some money too. Smaller tracts tend to invite the solo cutter out there trying to compete. Larger acreage 50+, is inviting to the bigger companies, and you have references to check from on past jobs with those folks.

I’m not a timber guy, but I’ve sold a lot of it, and have taken part in a lot of timber projects. Let me know if you would like any info.

We had pine trees cleared by a timber company on a portion of a 7 acre lot we recently purchased. The company would take the logs and pay me $3,000. They promised me they would take what they needed and spare the oaks and hickory that was mixed in. They told me that after they left, in a few years we would never know that they were there.
They came, they saw, they conquered. I didn’t appreciate what kind of equipment they used to harvest the pine trees. The equipment demolished anything in its path and left 4ft deep ruts throughout the property and all of the branches that were sheared off strewn everywhere. I had to stop them before they could finish harvesting the pines. It was a little too destructive for me. We now have a area of about one acre that looks like it was used for a bombing run.

They did what they said they were going to do but didn’t leave it like they said they would. SInce I stopped them from finishing the job, I said to forget about the $3,000 and just take what they had.

We are building our house on the lot and I thought this was a good way to clear some of the land and get some $$ in the process. If I had known what it would look like after they were done, I would never have done it.

reelshock, i sent you a private message

2350 Bluewater

Have to agree with Polly Ball on this one.

In the timber business, most every one knows every one. Some super great guys out there and some super lame ones.

Who ever you choose ask around and get some references. Remember that timber harvesting is not land Preping! You will have a mess to clean up no matter who does the job. (some worse than others) Limbs and swell butts are not needed and left behind. Also make sure to state you want stumps cut LOW.

On a closing, we are Wet, Wet, Wet, right now. If you don’t have timber on high land and you don’t want your property ruted up get a low ground pressure crew. To do this you’ll need good timber and 20-30+ acres.

Just about any reputable timber company can do what’s called a “cruise”. Timber cruisers walk your property, and give you a fairly accurate estimate on amount of timber to be harvested, and an estimate of dollar value at current market price. Also remember during this process, you’re usually going to be dealing with two different people, the Broker (timber jockey) and the Logger, the guy/guys doing the real work. Having a professional relationship with both parties will be a big advantage to you.

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

Thanks to everyone for your help.
Anyone know what the going rate on pulp wood is right now?

County: Clarendon county
Taxes: Looking to get this started in this year and finished in next year.
This track will be left for about a year then cleared with a track hoe to make a row crop field.

Originally posted by ReelShock

Thanks to everyone for your help.
Anyone know what the going rate on pulp wood is right now?

County: Clarendon county
Taxes: Looking to get this started in this year and finished in next year.
This track will be left for about a year then cleared with a track hoe to make a row crop field.

3rd Qtr 2015 , $11.61/ton pine pulpwood, state average.

A buyer is going to give a more accurate price after looking at the site, distance to mill, how they access property, all will determine final price/ton.

$12 a ton is what we were quoted about 6 months ago.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Timber companies have screwed my family the last 3 times we cut. I don’t recall the companies names but they seems to be pretty consistently bad.

Company 1 killed all the Cyprus on our land a long time ago and they’ve never come back. Company 2 cut many oaks, magnolia, cherry, and holly trees that were flagged as protected. Company 3 was a clear cut job and left the place looking like a bomb went off. All rutted up and a few piles of trees 20’ high.

Make sure all parties are clear about what to cut and how to leave the land

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

Timber companies have screwed my family the last 3 times we cut. I don’t recall the companies names but they seems to be pretty consistently bad.

Company 1 killed all the Cyprus on our land a long time ago and they’ve never come back. Company 2 cut many oaks, magnolia, cherry, and holly trees that were flagged as protected. Company 3 was a clear cut job and left the place looking like a bomb went off. All rutted up and a few piles of trees 20’ high.

Make sure all parties are clear about what to cut and how to leave the land

First, Most, Biggest

Sorry y'all had such a bad experience, did y'all check references first? Cut many acres and many tracts, never had that problem with reputable companies. A timber cutting operation has never claimed to be a glamorous operation.

Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean,a bald cypress tree is a deciduous evergreen that grows in swamps,wetlands,and riverbanks.

My dad and the uncles were responsible for managing the cutting so I dont know what process they used to find them.

Auto correct is a word processing feature that trucks up you words when texting.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

My dad and the uncles were responsible for managing the cutting so I dont know what process they used to find them.

Auto correct is a word processing feature that trucks up you words when texting.

First, Most, Biggest

they clear cut your family land, what did youall expect it to look like. aren't they digging a dirt pit in the clear cut now?

On a portion they have a pit.
I would expect it to be drivable in an rtv, most of it is not.

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