Selling Wild Boar Meat?

Hey y’all,

Does anyone know if you can sell wild boar/feral hog meat in SC? I looked through SC Code of Laws – 50-11-1 “Protection of Game”, and I found specific details on the below species, but can’t find anything pertaining to wild boar/feral hogs. I would assume that you can since you can get permits from DNR to capture and enclosure them.

Does anyone know for sure?


Can’t sell;
• wild rabbits in Game Zones 2&4
• bear
• wild turkey
• protected birds
• live wolves
• deer
• dove
• pheasant eggs
• live coyote
• live fox

Can sell;
• pen raised quail with a license
• farm raised deer with a license

call DNR. I don’t think you can but not sure

" It is what it is".

i agree with SCARCHER220, a quick phone call would answer your question. But i think the general rule of thumb is that you cant sell anything that was raised in the wild.

I don’t think it’s a DNR issue as much as it’s a DHEC issue.

Practically all feral hogs have brucellosis. This disease can be transmitted to humans by handling raw wild pork without gloves. All it takes is a scratch on your hand. The liability for someone selling feral pork is incredible

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

I don’t think it’s a DNR issue as much as it’s a DHEC issue.


First, Most, Biggest

I think the USDA would be the right alphabet agency? And, since the USDA defines “Meat” as coming from livestock, not indigenous, wild game, it would be illegal to sell uninspected pork anywhere in the US.

Many years ago we used to trap wild hogs, put them in a fence and feed them for a month or so, then take them live to the market. That was legal.

Olde Man Charters
286 Seafox/Twin 300’s

Originally posted by sulcataman

Many years ago we used to trap wild hogs, put them in a fence and feed them for a month or so, then take them live to the market. That was legal.

Olde Man Charters
286 Seafox/Twin 300’s

That has not been legal in the past 30 years. Paragraph 2 in the SCDNR rules on feral hogs states that “Feral hogs may not be transported alive from the wild” I have seen a DNR officer shoot a live feral hog in the head , put it in his truck and write the violator a bunch of blue paper.

Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by sulcataman

Many years ago we used to trap wild hogs, put them in a fence and feed them for a month or so, then take them live to the market. That was legal.

Olde Man Charters
286 Seafox/Twin 300’s

That has not been legal in the past 30 years. Paragraph 2 in the SCDNR rules on feral hogs states that “Feral hogs may not be transported alive from the wild” I have seen a DNR officer shoot a live feral hog in the head , put it in his truck and write the violator a bunch of blue paper.

I’m talking about in the early 70’s Natureboy. See where I’m called “Olde Man Charters”. We used to take them to the stock market in Walterboro.

Olde Man Charters
286 Seafox/Twin 300’s

Those days are over . I wanted elcidsurfer to know that this was not legal. I assume he was talking about selling soon.

Another note about brucellosis . It is a swine std. Little to no effect on the hog, but bad news for humans If you get it its like having the flu for the rest of your life. I know someone that had it. There’s no cure for this one. Glove up if you clean a feral hog.

No, you cannot sell it. Natureboy is spot on. Heck it takes a ton of licenses and paperwork just to process it. Feral hogs are nasty vermin. They can be processed for personal consumption or thrown in a ditch to feed buzzards.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Thanks for the responses, and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!

I was asking because a friend of mine is in the food and beverage business here locally and we were talking about the availability of “wild game” as table fare. Even though today it’s likely all “farm raised game”; Duck, Quail, Bison, etc. seems to be pretty common. While venison is clearly and well documented as illegal to sell, I couldn’t find anything on Wild Boar/Feral Hogs.

Based on y’all’s responses, I did some more digging over the Holidays and found the following;

SCDNR – Feral Hog Regulations Paragraph 2; “it is illegal to remove a hog from the wild alive, UNLESS it is taken pursuant to a permit issued by the SCDNR at a cost of $50 (50-16-25)”

SCDHEC - Retail Food Establishment Regulation 61-25 Section 3-201.17 that Game Animals CAN be received for sale if; “commercially raised for food, or live-caught, or field dressed.”

USDA – Passes jurisdiction on the FDA; “Most wild game is NOT amenable to mandatory food safety inspection under the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) or the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA) and, therefore, products made entirely from wild game are not “meat” or “poultry” under those laws. Products from animals not amenable to the FMIA and PPIA are subject to Federal regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “food” under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. However, inspected establishments (i.e. grocers, restaurants) ARE required to provide assurance that all ingredients, including non-amenable animal tissues, used in FSIS-inspected products are clean, sound, healthful, wholesome, and properly identified."

FDA – Simply regulates how food is processed, packaged, and labeled. I could not find anything specific to “wild game”, “game animals”, “wild boar”, or “feral pigs”.

CDC – Brucellosis – To prevent; do not consume undercooked meat, when handling were gloves, goggles, and aprons. Symptoms are; flu like and lasting, very similar to mono. To treat infection; con