Shark Fishing ban....

Ok, so after a few shark attacks, these fools think the solution would be to ban shark fishing from the pier? Do they think sharks will leave the area if noone fishes for them? I know it’s all about money and not about swimmer safety, otherwise they would ban swimming so close to the peir or altogether, but that would mean much less visitors to the beach and lost revenue… SMH

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

I think it is spawning season for sharks, we have had several reports of BABY sharks everywhere. If so, no swimming while babies need protection would be a sensible thought to me.
We all know how much animals protect their young, by life and death measures. Also, why we have so many LARGE sharks on the beach right now.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Do people typically chum from the piers? If so - that is an issue. It will bring sharks in to areas they may not frequent. And if it happens daily - the sharks can become accustomed to the free meals.

Close to the pier? Chum slicks and bait scent can be miles long - anyone down stream of the source is now in a sharks path as they work their way up the chum line.

Not saying its the cause - but its worth looking into, and fisherman shouldn’t get all butthurt about it.

Shark fishing has been illegal on Tybee Island for years. I think Hilton Head too. It scares off the tourists when they see them landed on the beach. Bad for business.

We all know how much animals protect their young, by life and death measures.

BS. Sharks don’t protect their young. They will eat them if they can. I’ve seen them give birth and start eating.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Yeah, lets ban the shark fishing. Heck lets ban all fishing. Those huge schools of menhaden 20’ off the beach with spanish, kings, cobia and everything else the sharks are chasing doesn’t have a thing to do with sharks being in the area.

I’m sure that the sharks will leave if the fishermen aren’t allowed to catch them. I mean baitfish and fish in general don’t congregate around structure like piers, drawing sharks in. And it’s perfectly safe to let your kids swim in powerful waves right around the piers, nothing bad could happen even if there were no fishermen or sharks in the area.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

New moon equals big tides and fast currents. Fast currents push the bait in close to the beach. Sharks are following the bait.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Naw Fritz, they are just protecting their young :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I actually heard a tourist tell another in Walmart that the best place to bring the little kids swimming is under the pier because it’s shady there. I had to interject at that point by explaining that if they invested in a good umbrella they would save money on hospital bills.

Jilly Outdoor
Hobie PA14
Wilderness Ride 115
Black Labs (fish catchers) :slight_smile:

This is disgusting, but I’ll tell yall anyway. I fished with a guy once a long time ago, who asked me if I’d ever seen a shark eat itself. I said no. We were catching a lot of little sharks while trying to grouper fish. He said “watch this” and split the belly out of a small shark and pulled out some of it’s guts, then thew it back in the water. The shark started gobbling up it’s own intestines, turning round and round, it ate itself until it died.

I never fished with that fellow again, didn’t like his sense of humor at all, but sure learned that a shark will eat anything it can, including itself.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

This is disgusting, but I’ll tell yall anyway. I fished with a guy once a long time ago, who asked me if I’d ever seen a shark eat itself. I said no. We were catching a lot of little sharks while trying to grouper fish. He said “watch this” and split the belly out of a small shark and pulled out some of it’s guts, then thew it back in the water. The shark started gobbling up it’s own intestines, turning round and round, it ate itself until it died.

I never fished with that fellow again, didn’t like his sense of humor at all, but sure learned that a shark will eat anything it can, including itself.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I consider myself fairly hardened, but thats some sick **** right there.

Yep, I thought so too. He was an old man and I was young boy at the time, but I knew that was some some sick **** there. Especially if you laugh about it. Like I said, I never fished with him again, but it did teach me something about sharks I’ll never forget.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I agree if chumming is allowed on piers, that should stop, but not allowing people to fish will not make sharks disappear from the beach. Banning fishing on piers will stop shark attacks much like banning drugs will stop people from becomming drug addicts and having gun bans will stop illegal gun crimes.

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

I agree banning isn’t always the answer a little common sense could go a long way for example not letting your little kid swim right under a pier where folks are fishing & chumming doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out the possible consequences

Jilly Outdoor
Hobie PA14
Wilderness Ride 115
Black Labs (fish catchers) :slight_smile:

Hmmmmm. Wonder why sharks have lots of sharp pointy teeth? To eat stuff. If you are scared stay out of the water, if you are smart stay out of the water.

According to a recent article in the Washington Post, for the past 15 years, Sharks have killed an average of just one person a year (in the US). Yet cows, have averaged killing almost 20 people a year.

So, where is all the hullabaloo about man - killing cows?

Actually the worst culprit in the US are bumblebees - killing over 50 people a year.

Give me a break . . . :sunglasses:

illigitimi non-carborundum . . .

HHI has a rule about shark fishing from the beach during certain times. I always wanted to ask them the secret to stopping sharks from eating my bait. I think I’ve caught sharks on everything except artificial. The only time I wanted a shark to eat my bait is when nothing else had touched it for a couple of hours.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.