Shell No! may eventually display their next location. That machinery doesn’t sit idle often.

Sure hope Edisto Banks doesn’t show up on any their vessels’ AIS display destination…

Originally posted by poke salad

Here is what they didn’t find.

“it would only work if the structures were full of oil” Shell CEO Ben van Beurden.

Cuda man,do tell how you effectively clean an oil spill in an area that freezes over 9-10 month/year.

It ain't by using this president and regime. They refused to let other ships from other countries come in and help. In fact, they did everything possible and imaginable to compound the problem. 5 companies and private people came up with as many methods to clean up the spill that were at a minimum 7 times more efficient at cleaning up the spill than what was being used. Just zark off dude.

No new lease sales,no extending current leases in Arctic waters,and $7 billion down the drain for Shells Arctic exploration!

Great news for polar bears.

Originally posted by poly ball

No new lease sales,no extending current leases in Arctic waters,and $7 billion down the drain for Shells Arctic exploration!

Great news for polar bears.

From your article…

It said it would end exploration off Alaska “for the foreseeable future”.
Correspondents say the Arctic is a risky and expensive place for oil companies to explore, and the current low price of oil makes it even less attractive.
The US Geological Survey estimates that the Arctic holds about 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas, as well as 13% of its oil.

7 billion to the oil industry is nothing, even if it was lost. They have there numbers on where to drill when oil prices spike up again and we need it. All one has to do is open his/her eyes. Nothing has changed besides oil prices dropping for the moment.