Shem Creek 7/7

Arrived at Shem Creek at 7:15am. One of my friends caught this nice red off the dock while he was waiting on us to arrive (that’s what I get for going to Haddrell’s first):

The fishing was on fire! We caught around 8 reds total and some trout, including a great 20" trout. Unfortunately, it got off the hook as it was being loaded into the kayak. Oh, well.

Took a break for lunch and beers at Red’s, then back to the catching. It was a great day on the water! It was hot out there, but well worth it!

An old shrimper told me that dock held fish, never bothered with it. You can only imagine how many have passed it going miles out only to get skunked when they could have gone a couple hundred yards and caught fish. The beauty of kayak fishing.:smiley: