She's ready...

Took her to the range yesterday. Re-sighted her 243 Win in with some hand loads. The factory ammo she was using was set at 1.5 inches high at 100 yards. She fired 3 rounds of the reloads which grouped 1/2 inch, 3 inches high at 100 yards. Dropped the group down 1.5 inches so POI is 1.5 inches high at 100 yards. Easiest re-sight in I have ever done…:smiley:

She is ready, Deer beware.

That’s awesome! Go on wit ya bad self, Red!

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

OK still. Come on over and get me to shoot groups like that so I don’t have to track my deer 1/4 mile:smiley:

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

Originally posted by Partners-Ship

OK still. Come on over and get me to shoot groups like that so I don’t have to track my deer 1/4 mile:smiley:

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

Lots and lots of practice with her Ruger 22 lr, which is a smaller version of her Ruger 243 Win. She runs about 600 rounds a month through her 22 which is also sighted in at 100 yards.