Looking for closest store to Columbia that has fish meal and clay. Not interested in Bait Binder.
Originally posted by resq007Not interested in Bait Binder.
have you ever tried it?
The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org
Try Orangeburg miling co. They normally have it. I get mine from Westbury’s Ace hardware in Harleyville.
War Eagle 115 yamaha 4 stroke
I have used the bait binder before, just wanna go this year with the meal.
I don’t know that area at all, but most farm supply and feed and seed stores carry fish meal.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Sorry to hear this, but try Lake Murray Hardware in Ballentine. If they don’t carry straight fish meal, they will know where to find it. (803) 732-5607
not sure about the meal but you can get the clay down on huger st heading toward Olympia at orders tile.
Sportsmans Warehouse Columbia use to carry both the clay - meal - and the mix.
J Ford
Horse Sense on hwy 6 in red bank will have some in the next week or so and also south congaree feed and seed sells it
if you are heading to south congaree f&s make sure you are doing the speed limit
S. Congaree is where I used to get fish meal and clay before I started using BB. There also used to be a building supply place on the other side of Lexington (hwy 378) that carried it. Sorry, can’t remember name.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?