Shrimp Net suggestions

Looking for a QUALITY shrimp net 7 foot 5/8 mesh; not heavy. Any suggestions?

Get a Tim wade for next year. He can dye your net to almost any favorite sports team colors etc…. Make sure you tell him 1 inch ring and 1lb per foot if you want or whatever weight you want. Also, make great Christmas gifts for family if they go with you a lot.


I’ll second the Tim Wade! I love mine.

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Third a TW… but if you jist want something off of the shelf, a Betts Old Salt or Betts Green net, 5-6’ with 1/2" mesh have always been my go too. Try to stay away from the bottom end nets, you’ll regret it later.

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Ditto on Tim Wade. Ditto on small horn - his standard is pretty big. Also get him to shorten rope unless you want a really long one.

I realize this is a bit late but my wife just bought me a Betts’ Blue, 8’. This net is only 1.18 pound per foot so it’s easy to throw. Great for shallow water, like shrimp baiting. Might sink a little slow for 4.5 feet or more.