Shrimping close to inlets or higher up water ways

This will be my first time to ever shrimp. Question is are you better to be close to the inlets or should i be going up into the water ways or does that not matter. Thanks in advance for any input. Heading out tomorrow if we get into any I will give an update.

Up in the water ways? As in, the creeks? Not sure exactly what you’re asking. Im not the best bait shrimper, but we’ve always worked a flat that is off of or on the main river(s) or harbor. Good luck, let us know how it goes.

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Shrimp are typically smaller in the creeks. You want to be where Stump says, flats near the big water.

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Go in the evening and see where everyone else sets up. That should be the quickest and easiest way. Watch and observe. As long as your bait is made right they should be in the vicinity.

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Nothing like pissing everyone off, intruding on their bait poles …

Just sayin’…

Thanks for the input

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Went to Edisto Monday Did not see any other shrimpers. Was a good learning day Ended the day with a little over half a cooler . The shrimp were small and medium hope they get bigger. Overall being our first time to shrimp we had a great time.

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Where on edisto did you set up?

We just put in at Steam Boat and headed down and found some good mud banks. Couldn’t give you exact spot.

Thats a good spot, between the tea house and the north edisto, right side going out