skeet shooting

Is there any place near Charleston I can take my daughter and let her shoot my 12 gauge. She has been bothering me for several years to go try to shoot some ducks. Figured I’d give in and try to figure out a way to make it happen this year. After all we have 2 free hunting days this year. I grew up shooting coots so thought that would at least give her what she wants. Plus they don’t fly as fast as a duck.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Only place I know is the Air Force Base! Haven’t shot there in years but they had a Trap and Skeet Range! Good practice before Dove season! If you know anyone in the military, they can get you in as a guest!

You need to take her marsh hen hunting next friday and saturday .She will get to shoot a lot,they dont fly fast and trust me kids love it.

Originally posted by sman

You need to take her marsh hen hunting next friday and saturday .She will get to shoot a lot,they dont fly fast and trust me kids love it.

If we have an east, or n east wind. A west wind will kill the tide. Saturday/Sunday are both predicting a 6'5", and their times are later, but ain't no poling a boat if the wind isn't right.

Good luck!

Backwoods porting clays in the Hemingway area is a great place don’t know if the drive would be a problem for you. But on a side note they are only a few country miles from the original Scotts BBQ. Good Daddy daughter day if you ask me.

Marshen hunting would be a great way to help train a yongster on wing shooying but not with the 12 ga, try a 20 or 410! Good luck and have a great time.

Would love to start her off on the .410 but there’s no steel shot for it. Only other shotgun’s we have access to are my Remington 1100 and my sons 870. Gonna have to commandeer a boat just to take her out on the free days so I guess marsh hens are safe from us. I’m a vet but that alone might not get me on the AFB to shoot some skeet.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I know it is not near you but, DNR has opened a new range on the Sumter side of Columbia on Hwy 387. They have Skeet & Trap ranges. I am told they will ultimately have a handgun and rifle range as well. Make a day trip out of it.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by carolinacoot

Would love to start her off on the .410 but there’s no steel shot for it. Only other shotgun’s we have access to are my Remington 1100 and my sons 870. Gonna have to commandeer a boat just to take her out on the free days so I guess marsh hens are safe from us. I’m a vet but that alone might not get me on the AFB to shoot some skeet.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

steel shot not needed for shooting moorhens, if you shoot a refuge area such as Cape Romain, steel shot is required.

Your VA Card will get you onto the base for sure. I just played golf at the AFB and my friend is an Army vet and he used is VA card to get he and I on base without issue.

Thank you for your service!

Michael Conroy

If were closer, I’d bring you my 20 O&U for her to use, its a great marshhen gun, don’t miss!

X2 On backwoods quail club in Hemingway/andrews.

She would love it im sure, they put you on a golf cart to ride around the beautiful property with different stands set up to shoot at.

About 50$ a person if you bring your own shells. They may have a discount for younger kids

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn’t go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks.

I would call the Air-base prior to arriving with just you VA card. I have never seen where that is the case.