Smallmouth in Cola...

Found out that it is true that the smallmouth are pretty good in the Broad. Guess Hank Parker was right! My first time ever targeting smallmouth was from a canoe launch in my neighborhood. I tossed a Pop-r out over some rocks and on the second cast this frisky little devil leapt up to get it. Nice little fight and gave me another jump before making it to the hill. Needless to say it just got me wanting more, so I am off to buy a small paddle boat to float around the river for some more action

I live with fear everday, and sometimes she lets me go fishing

very nice! i miss going after smallmouths back home and yes topwaters work, however rooster tails, beetle spins, and crawfish plugs are by far my favorite lures for them.

Very cool! I really wanna get a smallie off my list

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc

I wish there was more access to the Broad. Closest landing I know is Heller Creek up bu Parr?

J Ford

Beautiful smallmouth above. Was it from the Broad near Columbia? We’ve had some success for the smallmouth (like mentioned above) in the Broad in the Parr Reservoir area, but do not know where to try it in the Columbia area…boat access, water, etc. Anyone have any suggestions for the Columbia area? They are an very cool fish.