smart phone help

So, I recently got a smart phone and it had a feature where you could do text by voice. Somehow, the little touch screen button for voice text has disappeared and it no longer lets me do it. Now that it is illegal to text and drive(which it should be, voice text really helps me at work. Can anyone tell me how to get it back?

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.


Jimmy, ask any kid or woman!

May sound like a stupid suggestion but,cut the phone off and then restart it,that may help.I recently had the same thing happen to me and that worked.If that won’t work maybe capntang can help,or take it back to where you got it and ask them for help.

Double D.

Originally posted by Easy

Jimmy, ask any kid or woman!

I agree to ask anyone under the age of 21, but a woman? I don’t know about that. At least not my wife. When she thinks something is (supposedly)wrong with the cable or computer, my wife starts clicking & pushing buttons randomly, until it’s worse than when the problem (supposedly) started. Then it’s “Bob, there’s something wrong with the computer.” Then it’s up to me to spend hours on the phone with tech. support until it’s fixed. (I still think she made our last computer crash:imp:)

DISCLAIMER: The above statement is not meant to include all women, or meant to state that all women are incapable of learning technical skills. Just my wife.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Android or iPhone?

If android, go to Settings - Language - and make sure Google Voice Typing is checked. See if that works if the restart didn’t fix it.

You might also install Swype as an alternative keyboard…swype allows you to simply run your finger over the keys to type. Kind of like drawing words via the keyboard.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 19 year old (boy of leisure)
1 - 1 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


The talk to text thing is cool but, my son showed me the Swype keyboard and it really works. Not sure how it knows what I want to type but it gets it right 99% of teh time.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

If an Android phone, you might have lost the icon/widget for a number of reasons. A software update could have rendered the old voice command app obsolete - newer versions of Android use Google Now for most voice interactions, including texting. An added bonus with Google Now is that it can be set to remain active anytime the phone is charging. In the car, for instance, all you’d have to do is say “OK Google” followed by a command for the phone to respond - no physical interaction necessary. Google Now is only available on recent versions of the Android OS, though.

What’s the make/model of the phone?

For those wanting to check out alternate keyboards in Android, check out Swiftkey. It’s now a free download. It includes the “swipe to type” features of Swype while adding significantly improved predictive text correction.

Thanks guys. I checked the google voice typing box and got it back! May have to try this swipe thing.

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.
