Snake Eggs?

So, noticed a bunch of these eggs round the yard, looks like they were buried a few inches into the ground and something hatched.
They are the size of small chicken eggs, assuming some kind of snake, anyone got any idea what kind?
PS I went on line and they might no be snake eggs, they are hard shelled and the snake must have a huge whatever to pass this thing out, so not sure what is coming out of them.


Turtle eggs

Originally posted by sman

Turtle eggs

Great, thank you very much, never seen a turtle in our back yard, but we back up onto marsh and a little drainage kinda creek.

thanks again, mystery solved.

Originally posted by sman

Turtle eggs

bet two nickels, sman is right!

Life is Good!!

Thats cool.

Bet snake though as turtles have round eggs, right???


Ya turtle eggs, have them all the time at my place, last year I watched a moma dig a hole and lay 47 eggs and burry them in my tomato patch! We checked that area after so many days but never saw them hatch.

turtle eggs , have them in yard bout every year , don’t know why they choose my garden and wifes flower patch…

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

snake eggs are soft - leathery.

Ain’t either one good to eat!

Those sea turtle eggs from the beach are pretty tasty!

So, given the size of the eggs they have to be pretty big turtles right, I mean these eggs are just about the size of a regular Hens egg.

Those sea turtle eggs from the beach are pretty tasty!

You should try them in a manatee omelet.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by natureboy

snake eggs are soft - leathery.

Pretty sure turtle eggs are too but they stiffen up after they hatch and dry out.

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