Rattlesnakes at that!? Guess he can get some good sunning done out there…
Discovery Channel should have a “Snake Week” coming up soon!
I’ve seen a few on Ocean Blvd.
I almost stepped on one on the front steps of a rental house in North Myrtle in 1958, so they have been in that area for a longggg time.
If I know one is there, Im all good… but let one sneak up on me or me not realize until im too close and I’m quick to take off like a jet plane! Nope nope nope!
They are not all that unusual. Edisto Beach has more in that dune grass than most people realize.
My son found one on his front steps in North Charleston last year too.
Inland around the creeks too, canebrakes and cottonlippers, seems lots of them get struck by lightning
Even the snakes are trying to leave dirty myrtle…
True Bay Ive seen canebreak rattlers and Eastern diamond backs and copperheads in the santee river that get caught up in the current. They end up where ever the current takes them. If you look carefully at logs and things floating in the river . there are snakes and other critters