SO Pitbulls are cool....F That

Man y’all, this is disgusting, sad, pathetic and more…

11 year old boy attacked by one then 3 riding his bike.

I heard about it on the radio local news, but while at Docs office today folks were talking about it and lady showed me pics. Maybe y’all can find them online if you wish. You can google it for Columbia county ga dog attack.

Half of the scalp was peeled back along with one ear. The pics of his legs and more are freaking awful.

Word is that the owner has been turned in for his dogs previously being aggressive.

More to come and heard a Fund Me has been set up.

Sure takes some real restraint for the parents of this child to not react in a less than cordial meeting.


Prayers for the Family and Child. Looks like He’s got a long road to recovery.

SkinnyJ and I had some heated debut over pit bulls. I don’t own one, but my son has several. Some of the most loyal dogs to the grands growing up I’ve seen and all kids. It’s how they are raised and bred. Most any dog has the ability to be aggressive, inbreeding seems to bring it out even if raised correctly. I’ve got two shepherds, one would lick you to death and the other will bite any stranger on the property if provoked unrestrained or under verbal command. I never raised him to be aggressive, just his nature and protection level of the family. Also have an Australian Sheppard / Mt.Cur mix that will bite… but not up front… sneaks around and goes for the ankle.

With the number of bites from pit bulls it’s hard not to hold it against the breed, but I still hold it against the owners that have that “Look at me, I have a pit bull, I’m a bad assss.” mentality. Sadly, They are still bred through out our Country to fight. I might watch a rooster fight, but never will I ever go to a dog fight. Sick crap.

This breed of dog should not be domesticated in city neighborhoods. if you own acres of property then fine, but there are too many stories like this from these breeds or mix breeds of pit. The people that say “it’s not the dog it’s the owner” are fooling themselves. some dogs are purposed by God for different things and a pitt’s nature is not always to be sweet and listen to their owner who has a treat. There are a few in my neighborhood and pitty the fool if one were to attack my children.

When I lived in Broward County Fla. (Ft. Lauderdale), The county had so many pit bull attacks it was decided to ban them county wide. The effort never came to fruition due to a lack of a definition for a “pit bull”. Sure, an AKC registered American Pit Bull could be defined. But what about one that is only 90% Pit? They could never figure out where to draw the line. My neighbors had one named Jessey that was a great dog. Jessey and I got along just great until I was on my knees working on some shrubbery with a pair of loppers. Jessey came across the street full bore and hit me from the back. If I had not had the loppers, I think I would have been seriously injured. We never understood what happened. She was her old loveable self the next day.

exactly why they should not be domesticated i would argue even at a quarter breed.

I’ll have to agree with Hammered about them in a city environment. Just the slightest risk of a child getting bit is not worth it.

I can’t guarantee these numbers but I pulled them off a Google search… "Pitbulls and Rottweilers make up 77% of all fatal dog bites, despite making up only 6% of the U.S. dog population. "

I didn’t realize the numbers were so high.

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I agree 100%. You hurt one of mine you’re going to pay tenfold.
The older I get the less feared I am of prison.

There was a Lady attacked by a Pit Bull, up here, a few months back. Lost both arms, and most of her face.

The name “Pit Bull” says it all. That’s what they were bred for, fighting. In a gun forum that I frequent/visit they are referred to sarcastically as the “Breed of Peace”. Any Pit or pit derivative that comes after my family unit, including my dogs will be treated to 230 grains of kinetic kindness. The pit owners should have some accountability for any injury or damage,

I’m with ya Fripp, it wouldn’t matter if it was a pit or a poodle. I’ll not tolerate any dog coming after my family or friends.

Nature is pretty remarkable how you can breed different characteristics in or out of an animal.     Crazy the amount of dog breeds bred for specific purposes when you look back in History and present day.   

I still think a lot of the issues with the “pits” are the quality(for lack of a better term) of many owners of them. The dog gets the short end of the stick for a piss poor master.

Didn’t realize the “pit bull” encompasses 5 different breeds…

This young lad is going thru multiple surgeries. 80% of scalp gone, and so much off his legs that bone is showing and they are trying to move some stuff around to cover it. Will never grow hair again, but gonna try to get scalp as best they can.

The Mother of him has a sister next door that one year ago one or more of those dogs came in her backyard and tore up her dog to the point of it loosing one leg. Dude got a fine from animal control.

Ga Senator Lee Anderson, good guy that lives within 1/2 mile of this is pushing hard for severe penalties to hold owners accountable. This will change in a hurry, as the current law doesn’t do ■■■■ to the owner. Only Reckless Endangerment. Surely/hopefully some civil liability will help. The owner lives on his mommas property so more to come.

The grandmother, told by the Mother on radio today arrived first and beat dogs off him with his new bike he had gotten for Christmas. She also received some serious bites.

Dogs have been quarantined to see if rabid, then will be put to sleep. Owner should be right there with em!

God Bless this young Lad and Family.


Eliminate the Pitbull, IMO

With so many breeds out there, why choose that???

Big deal if the owner raised them right, and they are awesome. You can’t tell what could trigger one or more to attack a stranger. IMO.

I looked up what Mixed posted and MAN, freaking terrible.

As mentioned above, I picture my grandsons and the thought of what I would do to owner is not good.


Seven year old girl killed in Louisiana