What an incredible trip we had! 14 Sailfish in three days of fishing. Most were tagged, all were released. Our tagging stick broke, so we could not tag a couple. I had 6, and have the release tags for 5 to mail to NOAA Marine Fisheries. We only lifted 3 fish out of the water for photos.
This was my biggest and was about 10"'s short of the World Record.
This was me fighting the fish above. It first jumped on the horizon (no ocean visible behind it), and I had it 10 feet behind the motor, and it took off to the horizon again! In this photo I am watching 400 - 500 yards of line disappear off of the reel! Someone said I had tears running down my cheek when that happened. I’m not sure about that, but I wasn’t happy about it. 35+ minutes later, I had it to the boat!
Getting ready to tag and release a Sail! This is Armando, our guide, in this photo and the one below.
This is my good friend Dennis Huber, with another very nice Sail!
Nice trip of a lifetime Rick. Thanks for sharing see ya soon. Happy to hear you stayed on the boat.I seem to remember a December in the not to distant past LOL
Nice trip of a lifetime Rick. Thanks for sharing see ya soon. Happy to hear you stayed on the boat.I seem to remember a December in the not to distant past LOL