Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe $h!+ YS

High hopes for “Shark Week” but man i think we loaded Debbie in the boat with us because Downer was an understatement! Caught bait and headed to the a.m. low tide hole and before getting set up we already seen the bonnet heads cruising the bank like clockwork. Pitched baits in the vicinity and not the first bonnet head hit us, but did manage a few other species but not what was expected. Struggled to find the big boys up until the last part of the day at the high tide hole. The only problem was the 6 foot hammers would hit the bait time and time again and the kids couldn’t get a hook in them since they clamp down on the bait and run about 100 yards and then set the hook and fight them for maybe 20 seconds and they would always release the bait. The couple quality sharks that were on ended up straightened the hook or cutting clean through 45 lb. leader. Sometimes we’re on our A game and sometimes we’re out there getting schooled!
Youngen Style Charters


Half the fun is just getting out there.

No it was actually a struggle. All us kids stayed up past 11. I was the smarter one who went to bed at 12 the others said 2 am.

Thanks for the report yall!