
How many of you are noticing a trend when when it come to the idiots traveling w Ebola…

I see a trend that they’re actually travelling, which is disturbing. Healthcare workers in direct contact with ebola should probably be prohibited from travel until the incubation period has passed.

I have come to the conclusion that containment of this virus is dependent on two things…

Honesty and common sense…

In other words we are focked…

Ebola’s bigget alli at this point has been political correctness.Just sayin

I promise that you won’t see my face in a crowd…

I love the 100.5 degree threshhold the CDC has established. Hellooo, so at 100.4 you are fine and there is No way you get have Ebola?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Well well,not 5 minutes into the hearings on the ebola crisis Henry Waxman brings up Sequestration and that the ones responsible will have to answer for it and other budget cuts.
Its sad to say that nurses contracting this disease isn’t enough for these clowns.

they should inject him with it

" It is what it is".