Been about a week and a half since I’ve been able to have my boat in the water, but from what this article is saying, top water is heating up in mornings…
What have y’all seen lately? Outside of prime early/late day fishing where they are on the surface, has cut baits or slow trolling herring been producing?
My father is coming into town this weekend, moving down here from the West Coast and I’d really like to get him on some fish his first couple trips out so any current tips/tricks/areas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
read the article myself and I am headed there this weekend to see if I can get one or two. We got one two weekends ago using live herring and at that time they were about 25 foot down.
2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
My Cherokee indian name is asuvsgi nahna adadudi or Fishes on Credit
The article is talking about fish on top near the dam at first light. The herring have been spawning on the rocks down there. Try the shallower water closer to the boat ramp near where the lights are always shining on the water. When the sun gets up the bait moves out off of the banks which is why the bite dies off there near the rocks…Then you have to go find them deeper with live bait or cut bait on the bottom… If you throw the big super spooks, you can cast them a mile to fish at greater distances away…I assume you know the “walk the dog” retrieve. Definitely one of my favorite artificials for casting to stripers… We caught fish near Bomb Island, in Bear Creek, and in Buffalo Creek on Sat. during the tournament fishing cut herring on the bottom and anchored 30-35 ft deep. We probably caught 15 keepers though none were exceptional size…We probably should have been a little shallower…
Team Shad Up & Fish
If you’ve had fun catching fish on the transom bait, you are welcome…
I’ve spent about 85% of my life’s wages on fishing, the rest I just wasted…
Did you use the clear super spook? I found one in a dead stripers mouth years ago and have caught a few with it in the mornings in the area you are talking about in previous years. They will not be there long.
I’ve got many fond memories of throwing the big clear Superspooks into schools of stripers. Most amazing to me was when they would hit the bait as soon as it hit the water, knocking it 3 or 4 feet into the air, sometimes several times in a row, before actually taking it down. All you had to do was be patient, set the hook and hang on to the rod!! They also seem to like the big chrome and blue Sammys at times.
I like the clear or blue/green metallic herring looking whopper…I like the Sammies too. I do seem to have quite a few pull off when using the spook but I just seem to get more bites with it so I keep chunking it most. I probably should investigate swapping the hooks to something a little stronger.
Team Shad Up & Fish
If you’ve had fun catching fish on the transom bait, you are welcome…
I’ve spent about 85% of my life’s wages on fishing, the rest I just wasted…