South Island Bait House has TroutTricks

T J Port of South Island Bait House, 7113 South Island Rd.
Georgetown, S.C. 29440 Ph # 843-546-3131, has TroutTricks and tells me “TroutTricks are selling faster than hotcakes on a cold morning”.

The TroutTrick must be allowed to fall STRAIGHT down on a 1/8th ounce
jighead (3/0) to create the reaction bite. With your rod pointed at the lure, reel in the slack and give a couple of jerks, then drop the rod tip to allow bait to fall STRAIGHT down again. In shallow water jerk sideways.
The trout will hit it on the fall or pick it up off the bottom, hence your jerk becomes a hookset. We think the ribs create a vibration saltwater trout home in on. It is so strong that when you fish through a school of totally negative fish, they will strike with their mouths closed.
Eventually you will foul hook one and realize what is going on. Because of this, I’ve located schools of fish I would have fished through with other



Bob Sanders
Big Fork Farms LLC
Real Estate Sales