Spheros 10000/ugly stick, Albackore/tackle...

Spheros and ugly stick are one year old. Penn rod brand new. Half of tackle is new and unopened. Net is 8’ 1/2" mesh with extra weight for shrimp baiting. Older 4/0 senator.

How much for the cast net?


Price on the lot?? Location?

Working hard to play harder!!!


Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

Sorry forgot to add price. Would like to sell as a lot for $300. Can divide it and sell both rods and the reel for $150. The tackle, net (Betts super pro) and gaff for $150. 843-864-3007 Brian Thanks

Throwing in the towel?

That stuff should sell fairly quick one would think, good luck!

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

What are the lengths and line/lure ratings of the rods?

Not throwing in the towel. Favorite way to spend time with my 8 y/o granddaughter.

Sent you a pm. Still available?

Philippians 4:13
Hanahan Fishing Club

Pioneer 197SF