
I know the picture didn’t come out the best in the world but what is he

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

looks a lot like a brown recluse

Pioneer 197SF

Yes, Brown Recluse…

I don’t see the fiddle and it’s pedipalps look a little close, but it does look like a brown recluse… How big compared to a quarter/dime? We had an outbreak of recluses at Keesler AFB and three people got bit , one lost a finger, one had to have some major skin grafts on his leg and don’t know what ever happened to the third dude. We were told they love to hang out in clothing, gloves and boots. Anywhere dark. Of our two poisonous spiders I’d take a widow bite over a recluse… nasty bites, rote your skin:dizzy_face:.

I don’t freak out over spiders as much these days and I’ll go out of my way to relocate a Wolf spider. Those rascal’s will get territorial and take out all other spiders in there area. Including Brown recluse and widows.

On a side note and just babbling while eating lunch… I used to take my daughter out at night and go spider shining. Beautiful blue eyes and sometimes you can come across some really large wolf spiders. Old growth forests are best… but any back yard will do…

His leg span probably a little bigger than a quarter. He was climbing up the wall next to the bed. Got a picture of him and then he jumped off the wall on the floor so I smashed his ass. So I didn’t get much better look at him

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

That is a Southern House Spider. Brown Recluse aren’t usually found climbing up the wall. Would have been a dead one with me also :stuck_out_tongue:.

Where there is one,there are many more!

Not a spider expert. But the third pic down on this page about southern house spider is a pretty good match.


--------------------------- 17' Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl 26' Palmer Scott project hull 14' Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Oh crap.hahaha

That’s kind of reassuring he does match the third picture pretty good

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I had one of those in my bed last year and it bit me on the leg three times. At first I thought I was dreaming a spider was on me, you know how you get the feeling somethings crawling on you but nothing is. I wiped at it through the blanket and it bit me but I thought I pulled a hair on my leg and then I felt it crawl again a little later and slapped my leg and it bit me again so I slapped the area up real good thinking it would kill it and tried to go back to sleep thinking I killed it for sure. Then I moved around a later and got bit again. This time I got up shook everything out and it landed on the floor and I stomped him out good. He got me twice by the knee and once on the calf. They hurt a little and left a stiff/swolen red mark about the size of a quarter and a little scab are in the middle about the size of a Beebe. One was a little worse then the other two and left a scar about the size of a Beebe. Feels a little worse then a ant bite and does a little more damage. When I was little spiders bothered me but now they don’t because I’ve had so many encounters with them.