Spooked Em

Took advantage of the long weekend and tried some top water this morning. Fishing a flooded mud flat up in the grass edges with a clear spook Jr and a popRDawg thing… we ended up with 2 decent trout and a hand full of good slaps and better misses, but then, while I’m walkin the dog back, parallel to the grass about 5ft off all of a sudden the toilet flushes… in a mad splash dash we watch my spook get domolished! In what seemed like and eternity I somehow waited a couple of seconds before I reared back sideways style and gave a good sharp tug and to my delight there was strong tug back! I see the side of the fish as he peels off into the grass and my heart sank! Before I could even react he darts back out of the grass and screams some drag into open water and I keep praying my rusty hooks don’t just give up. I loosin my drag and play the fish to the boat where my boy has the net waiting. Landed! And he choked it! Thank goodnees both hooks were in. My very first top water spottail, 28 inches and an absolute beauty! Been trying almost 10 years… and to think, I almost wanted to sleep in…


Darn Stump great report and glad to see your still casting and bringing them to the boat.

Awesome report and fish!

No better way to catch them!

Great report and pics!

I know Stump wouldn’t brag on himself, but he completely demolished everyone in our camping tournament last weekend.

I mean, all of us combined didn’t catch a fish, and he caught 30! Thank God for that, because we had a good fish dinner that night.

Absolutely amazing how good he is. Would put most guides to shame.

It was an honor to fish against him, and then being humbled by him taking us out the next day and showing us his techniques.

Just waiting for an invitation to his pool table.:grin:

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Stop it man, I’m gonna blush! I jaust happened to stumble into a pile of em… Ha

You wouldn’t believe hard hard it is to get someone to come shoot some pool with me, even my ‘pool playing’ friends, its like pulling teeth I swear. Please come hit some with me bud! I’m ready when you are!

Let’s plan on it, soon!

Great catch Stump! Flushing the toilet is a great way to explain a redfish topwater strike :slight_smile:

that’s the same analogy i’ve used! so hard not to react immediately to the strike, takes discipline.

glad you finally connected with one, i know it’s been on your list for a long time!

trout will smack it 3’ with their mouth closed and then stare at it till you twitch it again, but a red doesn’t mess around!

Great job bud! That’s a dang good red on top. Nothing beats it!

That’s what he Do. Nice report. In Spokane Wa back sometime this week to wet some lines before our Panama fishing trip Father day weekend