Spray Rails for Jon Boat?

Been searching the web for some info on the topic.
Can’t find anything worthwhile.
Any ideas where I can find good info of buy a set of rails?



16’ Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat
25hp Yammy 4 stroke

Pool noodles.

Only place i could think that maybe you haven’t looked would be microskiff - lots of jon boat mods and skinny water vs open water ideas on there.

If you want a drier ride you could swap + cash for my Pioneer -

Or, slow down[:0] and only go with the wind:wink:

I know a guy that used 3/4" pvc quarter round and attached it under his hull with screws and 5200…actually works pretty well. It has only been on for a few months so there’s no telling how it will hold up but it was inexpensive probably easy to replace aside from the 5200.

Fishing Nerd

“you win some, you lose some…but nothing beats getting some!”



SeaPro 220CC

Dixie Craft-custom flats boat

Thanks all-Have decided to go with the PVC-will let you know how it works.

16’ Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat
25hp Yammy 4 stroke