Last night I was running the ICW in fairly calm conditions trimmed out at about 4200 RPMs and my motor began to spin and catch as if it were venting. The rear would start to fish tail and RPMs would jump to about 4500 then it would catch and settle right back down. Trimmed down and same problem. Slowed to 3500rpms and no trouble at all. Does this sound like a spun hub or something else. I always thought when the hub spin it just went completely. Prob looks good but plan to pull and mark hub and shaft but don’t want to get left floating.
Do you have an outboard? Just pull up to a dock, raise the motor and mark it! You won’t have to go far, if you idle out a little bit, turn around and gun it a bit on the way back to the dock, to check it!
Pulled prop and marked it tonight but no chance to run until later in week. Found a few yards of mono wrapped around shaft behind prop. Will pick up a cheaper aluminum prop as backup before I water test again and report back.
You can just carry insert drive old one out install new off ya go. Carry rubber mallet and wood block cut for your hub size and not spend money on another prop. Make sure you pull prop and grease shaft on occasion or extra prop or hub will do you no good.
We spun a prop with the Yamaha prop that comes on the engine, got it rehubbed, and then it spun again. We replaced it with a Michigan wheel prop and it works great. The Yamaha prop has a circular hub on it(or at least on the 250hp) while the Michigan wheel has a square hub so it would have to completely destroy the hub to spin. I’m not sure if Michigan wheel makes a prop that fits a 90 but if they do I highly recommend them.
17’ Mako
283 Grady White Release
smb99, I bought an Aluminum prop from Michigan Wheel for my F70 and it didn’t fit, To long, shaft wouldn’t go through it far enough to get the nut on! I had to send it back!
Easy, that’s a shame. We bought two stainless steel props for our Grady and they work great. We think our top end speed is a little lower but its easier to maneuver around the dock now.
quote:Originally posted by Easy
smb99, I bought an Aluminum prop from Michigan Wheel for my F70 and it didn’t fit, To long, shaft wouldn’t go through it far enough to get the nut on! I had to send it back!
17’ Mako
283 Grady White Release
sounds like a spun hub to me. Just had mine do the same thing. Overtons overnighted me one in 18 hrs back on the water. Local shop said 7 days I always try them first if the price is similar…Funny I didn’t know how bad the old one must have been. Its smooth and faster
I’m still playing with props. Pulled the 13x19 and found some old line around the thrust washer. Marked hub and ran again to find that it had slipped just a little. It’s never turned in the upper range of RPMs and I’ve always thought I’m a little over propped for my 16’ flats boat with a 90 2-stroke yammie. Took it to a local shop that quickly pressed a new hub which we also marked and loaned me a 13x17 4 blade to test as well.
Testing the old re-hubbed prop, it slipped again, this time more significantly. The 4 blade ran about 200 rpms higher but still not at the top recommended RPM. Could feel much more bite and was able to trim up much higher with less vent in turns.
I think what I really need is to jack the motor up an inch or so and go with a 13x17 3-blade for perfect performance, but I’ve got more fishing to do and little $$. So for now, I’m keeping the 4 blade and will re-hub the old 13x19 for a back-up.