Standard "chip" for trolling

How much is the standard “chip in for gas/bait” for a day trolling?

I look at the cost of fuel from the time I leave the house and return, bait, and ice…etc. Divide that by the # of people on board, including me and that is what is expected. I live in Saluda so a round-trip to Edisto and back is about 24 gallons of diesel for the tow vehicle. Boat gets around 2.5mpg on cruise speed.
Edisto Banks and back usually costs me around $250 once everything is settled. I own the boat and gear, but I still pay my way. I have had a couple guys insist on paying for the entire costs, but then I don’t really feel right about that. (personal reasons)

I have Triton 2895 The cost of a trip the GT hole from MI( 140 miles running + trolling) is about
120 gallons of gas = 375 dollars
bait & ice = 50
about 425- 450
Split 4 ways about 115$ to 120$ each

just my 2 cents worth


Fish More Live Longer
2895 Triton

A typical trip on my boat burns about 200-250 gallons of gas and 4-5 gallons of oil. Add in 3 dozen Baitmasters ballyhoo, 5 pounds of squid and 200 pounds of ice brings us to about $750-900 a day. I count myself evenly in the shares. Fishing with 3 is great fun, six is more reasonable expense wise.


Let me know when you need a fill in. I live in PI and am available most weekends. I’m a landlubber w/ no props until I get mine repowered. I got my own gear if I need it too.

Mako 262
You ain’t got no legs Lt. Dan