state waters open to trawling today

I’ve just started seeing tiny white shrimp mixed in with the nice brownies in the creek- most are too small to stick in a cast net yet, but they are there… hope we have a fall crop!

Originally posted by barbawang

I’ve just started seeing tiny white shrimp mixed in with the nice brownies in the creek- most are too small to stick in a cast net yet, but they are there… hope we have a fall crop!

me and you both bubba…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

BOz, yoo bin fo git da Bir yet? Iz was jus tinking bout how much iz gunna hab yoo trow da net dis yeer. I beta git Skippy warmin up 2! I Ain got da furs one in da freeza an momma bin talkin bout bi in sum… Ain gunna doo it!


Mr Wang, you sure them were white shrumps and not brown? What color were they? hehehe


Originally posted by Baitman

BOz, yoo bin fo git da Bir yet? Iz was jus tinking bout how much iz gunna hab yoo trow da net dis yeer. I beta git Skippy warmin up 2! I Ain got da furs one in da freeza an momma bin talkin bout bi in sum… Ain gunna doo it!


wait a minute…my boat, my generator, my poles, my beer, your gold chains…and you want me to trow de net? think we need to meet wang out there and see how things shake out mid-September…I’m thinking explosive populations this summer and a good Fall run of brownies…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Bonzo72 think we need to meet wang out there and see how things shake out mid-September...I'm thinking explosive populations this summer and a good Fall run of brownies...

^^^this… unless I’m getting volunteered for full-time net duty!

Baitman, come raid my freezer if momma’s that hungry- I put up extra last fall like a good little ant!

I drove over to Shem Creek yesterday afternoon with the hopes of buying some fresh local shrimp. And I was able to buy some nice shrimp, but definitely not local. The local commercial boats are not having any luck offshore at this time. Even with the more cold resistant browns. One boat went south last week down to southern GA/northern FL and also came back mostly empty. They are planning on sending some boats up north to Pamlico Sound based on recent reports that they are getting good nets up there. We are seeing good top water action near low tide back in the creek that I live on. So I am hopeful that when late August comes around, we can make up for last year. Just glad this is my hobby and not my livelihood.

Sportsman 247
Yam 300
Eat Creek

You should have waited until today and driven to McClellanville. Unloading a lot of shrimp daily.

We caught fair size white shrimp in deep holes just over a week ago. They were very sparse and all had very soft shells.

Originally posted by Jbhemm

We caught fair size white shrimp in deep holes just over a week ago. They were very sparse and all had very soft shells.

Oh boy…

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

Originally posted by StumpNocker
Originally posted by Jbhemm

We caught fair size white shrimp in deep holes just over a week ago. They were very sparse and all had very soft shells.

Oh boy…

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>


The Morris Island Lighthouse

Oh boy what?

agreed… what?

I was hoping for 3 pages of story telling by now…

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

Barbawang told me the other day that the shrimp had all left…went to Georgia or Arizona or someplace like that…no need to try to find them this Summer and especially in the Fall, from around mid September to mid November…not even worth it…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

It’s a slow summer when a deephole comment won’t roll 3 pages. Just dammit

I didn’t have much luck in Bulls last year, too windy.

I could use some pointers on deep holing. Mainly what it looks like on graph and depth changes. Have the net just need to locate some. Any advice much appreciated. PMs welcome

I could use some pointers on deep holing. Mainly what it looks like on graph and depth changes. Have the net just need to locate some. Any advice much appreciated. PMs welcome,on,sonar

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

That’s exactly what I needed thank ya! Now to figure the settings on ray marine

Ain no scrump out der so it ain matter if ya iz in da holez or knot.