Stiffy push pole

How do you care for a Stiffy carbon-fiber push-pole? Its wearing down to the fiber. How do you re-coat or laminate it? Know of anyone you’d have do the job? Thanks.

Good question! I have the same problem.

18ft Simmons Sea Skiff -30 hp Mariner
18ft Action Craft Flats Pro - 90hp Evinrude Etec

It needs a fresh coat of epoxy. You can do it yourself with just a little bit of West or System 3 two part eopxy. Should be available at a marine supply store. Anyone that does fiberglass repair can do it.

If you have problems finding someone locak, just give me a shout.

So much water, So little time

WOuld you brush it on?

Originally posted by edisto-fisher
Originally posted by debidude

WOuld you brush it on?

Mix the two parts of the epoxy together and yes, use a brush. Several thin coats is better,sand any drips or runs with a fine grit sandpaper and make sure your last coat is nice and thin and even to make it look pretty.

While you are at it I would put a few extra coats on because obviously that is where it is wearing.

Do it outside, that stuff is hard on the lungs.

Ditto what e-f said

So much water, So little time

How do you protect the epoxy from the sun? I have done quite a bit of epoxy work on wooden boats. In these applications, one must always be careful to protect the epoxy from UV with paint, varnish etc…

In the past, I had considered putting an epoxy coat on my push pole. However, I have been afraid that it would degrade quickly in the sun.

Does anyone have any idea what the pole manufacturers do about this problem?

18ft Simmons Sea Skiff -30 hp Mariner
18ft Action Craft Flats Pro - 90hp Evinrude Etec

I put 3 coats of UV protective vfinish on everything eopxy. You can use paint, varnish, clear laquer, etc. I’ll bet it came from the factory with a clear laquer dip

So much water, So little time

Contact Stiffy and see what they have, rather than reinventing the wheel.