Anyone have one of these? Got one as a gift a few years ago and had it jam almost every other shot unless using high brass then it was about every 3th or so.
Recently had it at a big clay shoot and let it be the community gun. Probably had 400+ rounds through it, was hoping to break it in.
Any suggestions? It being a gift, I won’t sell it, but would like to be able to use it for more than a single shot shotgun. It’s not dirty, and I’ve tried un-oiled, lightly oiled, heavy oilded, and then re-cleaned and tried graphite.
Got in touch with the company and they told me the model 2000 turkey was the only stoger that needed a break in period.
They recommended 200-300 rounds of “heavy loads”. Since the earlier post I’ve let it be used as the community gun for a couple of clay shoots. Probably another 200 or so rounds. All those were cheap low brass loads, gun does seem to be a little better but still hangs racking in a shell from time to time.
Anyone out there have this issue? Maybe some mirror glaze or fine lapping compound and run a few rounds?
I sell the stoeger 2000’s at a gun shop and just about every one I hear jams. Not sure why. I also here the same thing from customers about it not cycling light loads. Seems to work well with buckshot though.
I own one and had the same problem. I fixed it by going completely crazy oiling the gun then shot 6 boxes of skeet through it. Hasn’t jammed once since that.
Made mistake of duck hunting with wrong choke. Steel shot got it stuck tight. Still though…I had a buddy I was with that was using full choke and he had no problems. Bottom line I think is you get what you pay for. Love the gun though cause its so light.
I have one, never jammed a lick. I completely took it apart cleaned it oiled it back up. Took it out ran two boxes of high brass 6’s along with cheap low brass stuff, patterned some buckshot not one jam. It shoots anything I put in it.
You have not tried HEAT!!! I would not doing this yourself, but a gunsmith can get the choke out. Always lube,lube, lube chokes before inserting them.Never shot steel out of anything tighter than MOD.(READ the Chokes it could save your life) Furthermore don’t buy shotguns made in Turkey! Only Italy…