Student loan debt robocalls

anybody else getting these from local numbers? how in hell can they utilize a local number to make these kinds of calls? I finally got through to someone who didn’t hang up on me within 2 seconds and asked to be taken off their list…Cynthia said she would do it, but we’ll see about that…bet I get 3-5 of these per day…PeePod, you been putting my number on bathroom walls again?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I get a lot of robocalls now from local numbers. Seems a bit underhanded to me. Mostly selling Sirius Radio, trips to Florida, and stuff like that.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

be thankful thats all it is. I almost had a breakdown last week.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

They got a transcript of your time spent on bloody penguins and want their money back.

I get them about resort rewards. Always the same recording, and I always hang up after about 2 seconds. I started blocking the numbers a few months ago and they are much less frequent. I only had one in the last two weeks. Block the #s.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

They’ve gotten pretty good at it these days. Besides making it look like they are coming from the local area code, many of them I get these days will mimic a number with the same prefix as well hoping you are more likely to pick up from an unknown number.

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

it makes you wander, all the effort they put towards doing this, are they ever successful?

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

They spoof the numbers for sure.

Nomorobo works well on land lines blocking these calls, but it’s not 100%

I get them that have the first 3 numbers of our department cell phones so you have to answer it. It is usually Rachael at card services or some resort crap. Don’t tell me someone can’t make this stop.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

I get them that have the first 3 numbers of our department cell phones so you have to answer it. It is usually Rachael at card services or some resort crap. Don’t tell me someone can’t make this stop.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Aggrivating as hell for me right now too. I have job applications/resumes out, so have to pick up every call.

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

I have a MD area code number because I moved to SC from MD. I get both SC numbers & MD numbers calling me. IMO, most are scams regardless of what they say, so I hang up on them all.

I’ve had conversations with the FBI about this since it affects my business and of course they say they’re scams & are calling from overseas with spoofed numbers. I’ve talked with my phone company & they claim there’s nothing they can do. Frankly, I believe as long as someone is paying the phone bill on any number in the US, they won’t do anything as it’s generating income for them, even though they know these are not legitimate businesses. I would bet they could block them if they wanted.

To me, that’s the irritating part of these calls.

Once you answer and identify it’s a robo call, block that number.

Not a sure fire method for not getting calls but it combats repeat calls like Fritz is getting.

i let most calls go to voicemail if I don’t recognize the number. If it’s someone who actually wants to talk, they’ll leave a message or send a text. If it’s a robocall, usually they leave a message and I can block them.

As a guide you should answer every call that comes in. Unless you are booked solid.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

“This is Hilton rewards…”
“We are calling about your extended warranty”
“You can eliminate your student loans with the Truman act of…”

All on spoofed numbers close to my own.

First, Most, Biggest

I get frequent calls about my student loan, my credit cards & my mortgage, none of which I have. Got one the other day about the warranty expiring on my vehicle. My trucks a 2006, so there hasn’t been a warranty in many years.

The one I was getting often was the one from the IRS. So, I started answering the phone “FBI” and those have stopped. :smiley:


I absolutely set up your Grindr account. But I deny putting your number on the 2nd stall at the Sphinx on remount rd

Originally posted by CaptFritz

As a guide you should answer every call that comes in. Unless you are booked solid.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

speaking of, whatever happened to the guy ho was running triples and quad trips daily for like a year straight? Patrick von Fritzenhough or something…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I disconnected the wire line and started blocking them on the cell phone. I wish there was something the SOB’s in Washington could do about this modern day harassment.


Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by CaptFritz

As a guide you should answer every call that comes in. Unless you are booked solid.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

speaking of, whatever happened to the guy ho was running triples and quad trips daily for like a year straight? Patrick von Fritzenhough or something…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

That was a good schtick "he" had going.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

it’s VonAnderhoughton. and that was no schtick.

I heard his clothing line really took off. he’s a pioneer
