Stump, a promise is a promise - Youngen Style Charters

Stump, I told you I would get you a video of some drag screaming…young man hooked up to an 8 foot hammerhead and here’s the sounds as promised!
Side note, Captain Georgia Rose managed to get a 6’6" Sandy in the boat to show everyone that girls catch big fish too!!! Fush Around 'n Find Out


Man, that is out-freaking-standing! I worked my tail off yesterday and got more this morning to do but plam on slipping to the creek this afternoon! Ill be happy with a 20"+ spottail lololol thanks for the report!

Just TOO MUCH man!!!

SCREAMING DRAG, next time take a baitcaster with a clicker and I can relive my King Mack days PLEASE!!!

AGAIN, just MANY cudos for your devotion and efforts for your children and family, great father!!!

Keep 'em coming please, I am TRULY reliving my son and me in your posts, now he has about his eigth or tenth boat, a 23 Mako Center, and is doing ‘fun’ fishing with his family, mostly bottom and AJ’s and Barracuda.

Maybe after seeing your video he will do more shark fishing inshore, hope so.

Would you please give us a video seminar on inshore shark fishing, better yet Capt. Georgia Rose??? Her future probably includes 8-10 boats too, lol. Maybe a shark fishing school is in your future, so many novice fishermen want to catch those 6-8ft. wonders you are catching, me too indeed.

That shark that got boated made my youngen thread the needle in and out of the bimini frame and over and under the anchor line at least 30 laps around the boat for an hour…may need to do a crocheting seminar first followed by stamina conditioning before the actual fishing part takes place :grinning:


Big congrats; that first picture is amazing! It’ll be cherished for a lifetime for sure!

Her face was cooked in that third pic, CAREFUL, CAREFUL in that sun. Get some long sleeves and a scarf(?), forgot the name.

Serious, send me a PM about the teaching if you can, and give me a posting to let me know you PM’d please.

Making that braid sing loud and fast, wow!

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Yall never noticed that im burnt lol. Im always burned gotta get the tan going. There isnt a good way to teach anyone about shark fishing inshore. We’ve done it so long that anything on the radar we can tell u the species it might be and the way these sharks hit we know what it is too. Just got lucky and sharks were there fast forward years later and im catching big sharks. The only thing ill say is depending on where u are it varies the species of shark it is. The rest my dad can explain if he wants too i suck at explaining stuff.

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wow just wow. holy shark!!!
amazing pics!

Just figured that catching the big ones has a special trick, like bigger baits, certain type of current, depth, etc. I would think they prefer deeper water for sure, don’t know, and maybe fresh or live bait only, nothing stinking. My best days were with larger live baits, fishing for Kings, smaller bait caught smaller fish???

Friend was a shark tournament fisherman, once caught a 990 lb. Tiger in the Cape Fear river Southport, N C, right at a camp where kids swam sometimes. He was using a dead 6 lb. Spanish for bait I believe, also had a friend caught a 33 lb. King that won a tournament on a kite rig with a 6 lb. Spanish live for bait. I ALWAYS prefer large baits, even bottom bumping with squid, use a whole squid when things are slow, or to get away from the babies. Lately, my son is using live menhaden bottom bumping, last year two of us hooked up double in huge sharks, we finally broke them off on purpose to save time offshore.

Menhaden are spot on that’s for sure, big baits alive are 10 times more effective than dead baits…especially if it swims erratic. I don’t call myself “Baitman” on our trips for nothing!!!

Sometimes your table fair becomes bait on her trips :wink:

We used to call small b liners “candybars”

Dont get caught with a bunch of sabikied baby bucket liners in your livewell, Ive heard thats probably a no no

A kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldnt you?

2 depths i use are key to our success in the holes…but it took me 2 years chasing bigger ones to start figuring it out. Same thing as the perfert baits. Too deep or too shallow is not going to happen, but that special depth during feeding time things happen pretty rapidly. Our major tide cyle we key on is also one of the biggest factors and that’s taken 5 years to dial in. When we go out she / friends usually get hooked up to 10-15 sharks that are over 5 foot not to mention the other 10 misses or cut leaders that aren’t preventable. So with that being said, be diligent and patient because all it takes is one big one to start giving away these secrets we’ve picked up on.


Thanks a ton for the info really.

I figured most of that was true already, but you confirming it makes it special.

The numbers you posted are incredible, I knew someone had to be successful out there as pkentiful as those buggers are. It seems that Charleston has many more than Southport NC area where I did my prime time fishing, probably the warmer water and the larger tide cycle meaning more current, which sharks seem to love. NC has a (4) ft. tide cycle vs. (6) ft. Charleston. I have not grown accustomed to this current yet, makes sense that the BOTTOM of the cycle is most productive.

CUT LEADERS, what leader and main line are you ysing, if you don’t mind giving up that info, cut leaders have never been much problem for me?

Last year, Grandson and me both had huge boys on offshore, we had to really FORCE the action to break them off, his unintentional, mine was intentional. We were using braid tied directly to the hook, which you can get away with offshore, probably not inshore, need to know your rigs at least please.

When I was primarily a King Mac fisherman, the wire leaders did the trick there, BUT I used very light wire, so the big boys still kinked and broke the wire sometimes. I understand you paid the dyes to be successful, I did in King fishing too.

The shark situation is so different with the strict limits, and the massive numbers of sharks available though, plus not many shark fishermen since you can’t keep many to eat, so many are released.

Appreciate very much what you did share, the limits protect your info for sure.

45lb. Test steel leaders are stretching, breaking, and a few being cut immediately after hitting the bait. 50lb. Braid main line but drag has been adjusted on the screaming drag fly and sometimes it’s too much so the leader is the weakest link. Started making our own leaders at 3’ sections which increased the hookups. Last year we had 30 plus sharks hit our 20" bait plus 3’ leader and cut the line above the swivel literally after inhaling the bait in a split second…those are the ones that keep her coming back! Redemption time

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Well, talking about rigging, my friend who caught the 990 lber was using meat house hook that they hang beef up with, plus aircraft cable for leader. May sound too heavy for your fishing, possibly not though. You could be dealing with something over 2-300 lbs. too at least. I believe there are some Stingrays going between 100-200 lbs. here too, so rigging extra heavy may be the answer.

20" bait IS the key I believe, because so many shark fisherman are using squid and menhaden, not going to interest the big boys. I believe they are accustomed to trapping and eating reds like the Dolphin do, so at the least 3 lb. fish for bait, like you say though 20" is just what I thought, or bigger

Big bait equals big fish.

Told my youngen that if she stopped shark fishing this season that she started the season on a high note (Destin, FL surf Bull Shark) and could end the season with this shark…she replied with “I ain’t no quitter!”
That means a few more trips left i guess for us then

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Sounds like a LOT more than a few, very lucky guy you are, and a future very lucky guy who lands her too lol…

I remember one time,me and my pal Charlie put his wife’s holiday roast on a very large hook and a long chain shackled to a pier.Well that shark pulled the end of the dock off with my buddy on it.He almost didn’t make it back before that sob got him.

Dang it!

Sux when a roast goes to waste…