Stupid weather forecasts

So, haven’t been able to get out fishing for a while but was hoping to get out today.
Checked weather dot com and storm tracker and it looked like we were guaranteed rain an t storms starting v early afternoon. So ditched the idea of fishing and actually f’ing worked and as I type this still not a drop of rain. I think I’m particularly bitter as I work for IBM and weather dot com seemed a lot better prior to our acquisition. What do y’all use for weather,?kickingvmyself I could have been out there and wasn’t. Oh, and storm track radar was a joke as well. Should I just txt Boz?

Originally posted by drterry

So, haven’t been able to get out fishing for a while but was hoping to get out today.
Checked weather dot com and storm tracker and it looked like we were guaranteed rain an t storms starting v early afternoon. So ditched the idea of fishing and actually f’ing worked and as I type this still not a drop of rain. I think I’m particularly bitter as I work for IBM and weather dot com seemed a lot better prior to our acquisition. What do y’all use for weather,?kickingvmyself I could have been out there and wasn’t. Oh, and storm track radar was a joke as well. Should I just txt Boz?

Bonzos station is down at the moment for renovation. Axe Pod…if he’s not day drinkn with sman.
And big blue herd that.

BonzoWX2.0 is up and running…spent $5,324 upgrading my system to PeePod’s satisfaction…David, this pattern we are in is very tricky…and remember, the percentage of rainfall doesn’t mean it’s going to rain that much out of the entire day…check this out
this being said, there is a good chance of rain each day all the way through the weekend…I would encourage you to check the radar as well as the forecast…might allow you to get out in a good window instead of just thinking the whole day is going to be wet…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I agree with bonzo and also they have this new thing that just came out.It’s called foul weather gear.Go over to Luden’s and get some.

Without researching an answer… What is the difference between partly sunny, and partly cloudy?



One is sunny, one is cloudy…Duh.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Without researching an answer… What is the difference between partly sunny, and partly cloudy?


there is no difference…I think one is generally used during the day and the other generally at night…can’t be partly sunny at night so hey, let’s just be partly cloudy!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

there are so many lies and wild, speculative innuendo in this thread. I don’t even know where to begin. this site was built on truth and facts. yall should be banded.

I think andy accidentally blocked me. I’m trying to get him to reign you people in.

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Without researching an answer… What is the difference between partly sunny, and partly cloudy?


there is no difference…I think one is generally used during the day and the other generally at night…can’t be partly sunny at night so hey, let’s just be partly cloudy!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

These 2 differ in their definition:

There is a meteorologist here in Charlotte (Eric Thomas) that explained it about 20-25 years ago. He had a segment called “ask Eric” where he would answer obscure questions from viewers about the weather.

His answer was something along these lines:

When conditions are completely overcast for over one day, then when the clouds break, it would become partly sunny. The opposite for partly cloudy… Totally clear skies/sunny for more than one day, and the clouds arrive but there is still sunlight and not total overcast.

I am not saying it is technically correct, but it makes the most sense to me because it gives the preceding weather conditions and how they changed.


Originally posted by PeaPod

there are so many lies and wild, speculative innuendo in this thread. I don’t even know where to begin. this site was built on truth and facts. yall should be banded.

I think andy accidentally blocked me. I’m trying to get him to reign you people in.

Did you mean to post this in the politics forum?


I'm trying to get him to reign you people in.

Meant to say “rain” didn’t you.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by PeaPod

there are so many lies and wild, speculative innuendo in this thread. I don’t even know where to begin. this site was built on truth and facts. yall should be banded.

I think andy accidentally blocked me. I’m trying to get him to reign you people in.

Did you mean to post this in the politics forum?


Why you sonofa*****

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by PeaPod

there are so many lies and wild, speculative innuendo in this thread. I don’t even know where to begin. this site was built on truth and facts. yall should be banded.

I think andy accidentally blocked me. I’m trying to get him to reign you people in.

Did you mean to post this in the politics forum?


Why you sonofa*****

I would take offense to your statement… But, I know you are torqued about the bridge closure thingy, so RBF still likes PeePal…


Thanks Bonzo and all for listening to my venting.