Stutter above 2000-2500 rpm

Anyone have a good place to start with this problem? I am initially thinking either air getting in the fuel line or something with the fuel injectors (filter or dirty injector).

I’ve got a 2006 Yamaha F115 that I took out for the first time in about a month this weekend. Started up fine, idled at the dock for about 10 minutes just fine. I ran out to a spot on plane at about 30mph in the 4000 or so rpm range for about 3 or 4 minutes with no issue. Idled for a few minutes and went to get back on plane when the motor stuttered on me. It happened when I got it somewhere around the 2000-2500 rpm mark. Idled back down and it sounded fine. I could run it around 1500rpm with no issue, but when I started getting it higher it would stutter here and there. Ran is real slow back to the dock and pulled it out. Have not had a chance to start investigating, but figured it would be worth asking here for some good places to start. Just had its yearly service a few months back, and I’ve ran it a half dozen times since then.

Pioneer 175 BaySport

Spark or fuel? Check your water separator for water in the gas? Check spark plugs? Do 115 have a VST filter?