Successful surgery

Friday before last, the surgeon removed my right kidney and the large tumor that was on it. The tumor was so large that he had to remove part of my rib to get it out. He removed a lymph node for biopsy, and looked around while he was in there. Right now, it looks like he got everything. The biopsy was benign, and my oncologist is recommending regular surveillance (scans, bloodwork), but no further treatment at this time. They want to keep an eye on my spleen and bladder, but they aren’t too worried about them right now.

Four weeks ago, it looked like I had stage 4 cancer, stage 3 at best. It turns out that I was at stage 2 by the time of surgery. I believe that this was due to literally hundreds, maybe thousands of people praying for me. I have been home for a week now, and I am getting around pretty good. Major surgery isn’t a walk in the park, but each day I feel better and stronger. Maybe I still have a shot at the Senior PGA tour. They are a bit picky about scores though.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

Now that’s some great Monday morning news…Rest up and recover during this crappy winter and be ready to roll when the weather warms up…

Good for you! That has to be a big load off your mind. Hope everything continues to go your way.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

You are the third person I have heard of that had such an issue in the last year. My boss and a co-worker’s dad both had kidneys removed because of “masses”. Neither or which turned out to be cancerous. Glad the prognosis looks good for you!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Great great news Surf. Keep us posted and more prayers are coming…

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Can’t beat the power of prayer! Glad to hear the good news, stay away from the golf clubs and stick with the rod and reels, alltho golf is a lot cheaper!

Miracles happen and I’m happy for you and your family. Whole new outlook on life…enjoy.

That is good news. Thank you for sharing

Great news! When you first posted about it, you had me really worried. Sounds like things are really going good for you! My Grandma lost a kidney in an automobile wreck when she was in her twenties and never had an issue missing it.

Picky about scores? Na, just tell em you have a high handicap. :smiley:

Take care and don’t over do it, but don’t under do it either. Stay active!

Good for you, SFL. And family.


Great news! Keep pounding!

“There is nothing better we can do for our future than to teach our children well”
Cracker Larry