Summerville area, night fishing for some catfish.

I’m going to be doing some night fishing for catfish in the coming month or so. I know of a few decent places but haven’t tried night fishing in a few years. I live in the Summerville area but i will be fishing Moultrie, Marion, and the Tailrace.

Looking for someone with at least a little night fishing experience, mostly so that I know you won’t go bonkers if a snake crawls up in the boat, one of my preferred places is full of water snakes.

I have a small, old ugly 14’ aluminum semi-V with a 7.5hp, so we don’t go anywhere in a hurry and we won’t be going more than a couple miles from the launch. No need to chip in for gas, I have a big cooler and ice. You just bring a couple good stout rods, a flashlight, maybe some bait, and your own food. I prefer you don’t bring booze, and if you light up a joint then you’re going to be swimming back to the launch.

Won’t take any kids night fishing right now, not even my own son. Just no room in the boat and it’s too dangerous in a 14’ craft.

Moral judgment under girds the entire structure of laws and is necessary for the rational structure of any significant statute. The idea that our laws can stand independent of moral foundation is senseless.----- Albert Mohler.

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If you will be night fishing. You should set some bush hooks. Its incredibly productive and will make for much better catches! Good luck.

Bushhooks can be made with string, inch PVC, weight and hook. Use the pvc so u can rap around a limb and get off easily.

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Man… would love to catch some catfish but A) Not done any night fishing except flounder gigging, and B) would probably put a 9mm hole in the boat if a snake came in…no worries about drugs, and no booze is OK. :slight_smile:

Guys I live on the point in Pinopolis with the cove on one side and Hatchery Hog swamp on the other just up from the Tailrace canal dam. I can point you in the area of some decent late night Cat fishing. Just shoot me a pm and I will see what Incan do.

Wicked fishing
175 CC Pioneer Bay sport
90 Yamaha 4 stroke

I live in Bonneau and fish the lake for catfish quite often from the bank, my boat is in need of repair. Let me know if you got an extra spot and I can show you some good spots for summer and in the winter.

Originally posted by CHEWY

I live in Bonneau and fish the lake for catfish quite often from the bank, my boat is in need of repair. Let me know if you got an extra spot and I can show you some good spots for summer and in the winter.

I will be in Bonneau at the family lake house the weekend of September 6th if you want to hook up CHEWY… I have a 19ft Key West, so plenty of room…

Key West 19’6" CC 115hp Merc
14’ Fast Craft w/ 60hp Merc

Sure send me a PM with your number and lets go catch some whiskers and striper