sun offshore

watching the weather for a month, had to try it. ride out was ok 4/5ft but 8/10sec apart. stopped in 100’ and could not get away from the blinners. had a 6 man limit in about an hr all 3/4lbs, nice fish, bsb’s and triggers strangely absent! headed out to the ledge to try the grouper with a livewell full of pinfish and bluerunners. missed a few and landed a 12lb yellowmouth. again belinners hit before the bait could hit the bottom. current was rippen all day. came back into 100’ and tried a dive but the viz was about 3’! water temp on the bottom was 80deg but was very green and the bottom 10’ was awefull. water column was full of garbage and green alge. found the bsb’s and triggers and all the other bottom dwellers were rocked up under ledges and were not feeding. snagged a nice bug but had a bottom time of only 10 min. may have to wait another few weeks for the weather to clear up. nice day to be out with realfish01,his pop,jenney,big mike and little mike.

thank God we live in S.C., we can hunt deer and doves the next few weeks untill the water clears up!

If it got any better I couldn’t stand it.

nice lobster how big is it

Nice bug ed!!

I lost my AvatarHead 2300 WA Keywest
Twin 115 Yammers
Honey Dew This

a man can fish for his entire life, 'fore he realizes its not the fish he has pursued!!!

Nice Ed. Itching to get back out there with y’all. Need to relieve some school stress with slinging some spring steel.


14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Kayak, SCUBA, or both.