Sunday Funday spadefish

Went out on the new Charleston Diving boat for her first trip ever this past weekend. We decided to keep it simple and just get some spadefish and see how the boat runs. We caught enough for sandwiches for 20 then went catch and release. We missed a shot at a good cobia because we weren’t ready but we still had fun. Props to Christian for braving the barracuda to save that tree frog.

Spadefish are fun on light tackle. Especially fun on an ultralight!

Nice work and a nice crew. We caught a few spades earlier this week but never found the big schools we were looking for.

Go to 4ki or freddy day. No need to make it complicated to find spades. Also we didn’t see the first spade until we dropped a jelly ball down to bring them up. Put a ball on a rope with a weight and bring them up slowly.

26 Seahunt
Angler’s Dream

Bring the zebco 33 next time!

Tell KK I said what’s up :sunglasses:

“mr keys”

How do you catch those things if you don’t have jelly balls- our last 2 Times out they were everywhere- tried shrimp, squid, cut menhaden, jigs and they would not touch anything

Originally posted by Slomocean

How do you catch those things if you don’t have jelly balls- our last 2 Times out they were everywhere- tried shrimp, squid, cut menhaden, jigs and they would not touch anything

Jelly balls or a spear gun. I have free gaffed a few too.

26 Seahunt
Angler’s Dream

I’ll take my fishing bow next time- is that legal?

Yes. Yes it is and post a report please. I’ve thought about doing the same.

26 Seahunt
Angler’s Dream

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I killed them last year on peeled pieces of shrimp

B.O.A.T. Bust Out Another Thousand!

That is one fine looking boat.

Rob Harding
2660 Sailfish
(Fish not Biting? Try a fast presentation of spring steel)</font id=“green”>

I’m with Hammurred I thought they would take a small piece of shrimp.

Sea Hunt 212 Triton
“Head East”