Sunday Redfish Molestation

Copied & pasted from

“Red Wolves and Coyotes are very closely related and in fact share a recent common ancestor. The two species do hybridize and produce fertile offspring. It is usually impossible to distinguish between a Coyote ? Red Wolf hybrid</font id=“red”> and a Red Wolf just by looking at it.” (I’m pretty sure that means offspring from a Coyote and Red Wolf)</font id=“blue”>

Red Wolves, as a species, are larger in both height and weight. Coyotes usually weigh between 25 and 35 pounds </font id=“red”> while Red</font id=“red”> Wolves usually weigh between 50 and 80 pounds.</font id=“red”> Red Wolves are more massive in the head, chest, legs and feet. There can be size overlap between the species. Some Red Wolves are in fact smaller that some Coyotes. Coyotes tend to have a longer, narrower, muzzle than Red Wolves do.

The Eastern Coyote is different from the Western Coyote in size, genetics and behavior. This is due to interbreeding with wolves. Eastern Coyotes have wolf genes and therefore are taking on wolf characteristics. </font id=“red”> This happened when the wolf population in the Eastern United States was hunted almost to extinction and had dwindled to a small enough size that they would breed with Coyotes instead of chasing them off or killing them.

Red Wolves howls are similar to Coyotes but tend to be of longer duration and lower in pitch. Coyotes tend to have more yapping intermixed with the howls. Again, it can be almost impossible to tell the difference in some individuals</font id=“red”>.

If you are anywhere in Eastern North America, outside of coastal North Carolina, and observe a large wolf-like animal, it is almost certainly an Eastern Coyote or possibly a Gray Wolf that someone had as a pet and dumped in the wild.</font id=“red”>

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum F

Agree totally bob!!! everything stated below is true! The recent common ancestor is the coyote.Pure coyotes exist Pure grey wolves exist.Neither contain the other’s “recent” genetics.Anything that contains the genetic makeup of both are hybrid crosses.You just did not report that:

 1.All(pure red wolves) in existence today were imported from Texas and were and still are hybrids containing coyote genetics.

 2.Pure eastern "red wolf" specimens in the national archives from 1908 were analyzed and contain the hybrid genetic makeup.
 3. Since all pure "red wolves" contain coyote genetics and pure grey wolves do not, all red wolves are hybrids.Seems the imported ones were set as a species by well intended preservationists..
  4. The wildlife biologists preserving the original imported hybrids(set as a species by them)need to do genetic DNA analysis to separate the original imported ones from recent wild crosses(hybrids).

You know???,like telling who the parents are.

This has nothing to do with fishing or pissing matches…I was simply trying to point out yet another example of how big government spends(wastes) tax money for self justification.

Originally posted by Happy Bob

Copied & pasted from

“Red Wolves and Coyotes are very closely related and in fact share a recent common ancestor. The two species do hybridize and produce fertile offspring. It is usually impossible to distinguish between a Coyote ? Red Wolf hybrid</font id=“red”> and a Red Wolf just by looking at it.” (I’m pretty sure that means offspring from a Coyote and Red Wolf)</font id=“blue”>

Red Wolves, as a species, are larger in both height and weight. Coyotes usually weigh between 25 and 35 pounds </font id=“red”> while Red</font id=“red”> Wolves usua

Can we move on now folks? Ligers will trump Coyote-Red Wolf hybrids ANY day :stuck_out_tongue:

this is really why i quit going to this site on a regular basis. click on a topic where you think you are going to be reading about fishing and some dumb ass wants to fight about something not even related to the topic! lets just all whip it out and get it over with right now and maybe we could just talk about fishing!

I want my click back.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Toppy, I don’t know enough about wolf and coyote genetics to even have a comment. You and I have a similar view on government waste. But the best place on Charleston Fishing for political dialogue is here: When I feel like reading or commenting on something of a political nature, that is where I go. When I feel like reading and commenting about fishing, I keep to the fishing sections. I think it is a good system…works for me anyway.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

It is a fishing forum and you have highjacked it, being one of the most annoying and unhappy people I have ever encountered.

Originally posted by toppyblue

You are correct. Sorry ,It just seemed to"mushroom".
Simply, thanks for your comment.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Toppy, I don’t know enough about wolf and coyote genetics to even have a comment. You and I have a similar view on government waste. But the best place on Charleston Fishing for political dialogue is here: When I feel like reading or commenting on something of a political nature, that is where I go. When I feel like reading and commenting about fishing, I keep to the fishing sections. I think it is a good system…works for me anyway.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Who gives a dam about a wolf / coyote / breeding argument. It doesn’t matter in the least. Please get back to something pertinent to the thread topic. Otherwise spew the exhaust elsewhere.


200 Bay Scout
115 Yamaha 4 stroke

Radster you are my hero. Happy new year!

“Every saint has a past, every sinner a future”
2011 Carolina Skiff 178DLV
90 HP Honda

I saw this program previewed on PBS and immediately thought of toppyblue:


Meet The Coywolf #3104

Wednesday, January 22, 08:00 pm on ETV

Duration: 0:56:46

Description: The coywolf, a remarkable new hybrid carnivore that is a mixture of coyote and wolf, is explored.


Additional Airings
01/22/14, 11:00 pm ETVW
01/23/14, 1:00 am ETV
01/23/14, 4:00 am ETVW
01/24/14, 5:00 am ETV
01/24/14, 8:00 am ETVW
01/26/14, 12:00 am ETV
01/26/14, 3:00 am ETVW
01/26/14, 10:00 pm ETVW

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole